Rightful Place

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"Ugh. What happened?" Alexis asks as she later wakes up in a bed in human form.

"Alexis my friend! You are unharmed!" A voice shouts revealing to be Omi as he comes running and hugs Alexis.

"Omi? Where am I?" Alexis asks as she sees the other monks walk in with the green dragon and an elderly man.

"You are at the Xiaolin Temple young one. Don't be alarmed. I won't hurt you. My name is Master Fung." The man says as Alexis gives a slightly alarmed look.

"Name's Dojo. None of us will so relax kid." The green dragon says.

"For now anyway." Raimundo says.

"Raimundo." Kimiko says as she looks at Raimundo.

"What? She's attacked us before. Can I help it if I find it strange we're helping her?" Raimundo asks.

"You're not the only one who's skeptical Rai but we're doing this because Omi asked so be nice." Clay says.

"Wait. You asked them to bring me here? Why?" Alexis asks as she looks at Omi.

"You were hurt. I could not leave you like that." Omi says.

"Much like how you couldn't leave me with the bear?" Alexis asks as she smiles at Omi causing him to blush.

"Hehe. Maybe." Omi says shyly.

"Well it's appreciated so thank you." Alexis says.

"You're welcome." Omi says happily.

"Omi told us how you were did not wish to be part of Chase's group anymore. Is this correct?" Master Fung asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Well not quite my wording but in a sense yes. I may not be welcome anywhere but I'm not going back to him. I just wanna find Sarah and make sure she's okay. Her village may not like me but I don't wanna see her hurt." Alexis says.

"You won't have to worry about that." Dojo says.

"What do you mean?" Alexis asks.

"Omi figured out who you and Chase were talking about and got Sarah somewhere else safe with her village." Kimiko says.

"It wasn't hard considering they were taking about going to a new location." Omi says as he smiles.

"You protected Sarah?" Alexis asks as she looks at Omi.

"If she is your friend then she is mine as well." Omi says.

"Thank you Omi. That means more than I can express." Alexis says as she smiles.

"I'm glad I could help." Omi says proudly.

"You have nothing to fear with Chase young one. You are free from him now." Master Fung says.

"That may be but I'm not free from being welcome anywhere. Most places know who I am and don't like me. Not that I blame them. Anyway I'll leave. Thank you for taking care of me but I don't wanna over stay my welcome." Alexis says as she gets up.

"You do not have to leave. I was going to stay you are welcome to stay here. I would like to train you." Master Fung says.

"What?" Alex's asks in surprise.

"After what Omi and the others have told me you are very skilled and would be a good ally. You are welcome to stay here and train under me if you want." Master Fung says.

"You'd really accept me?" Alexis asks as Master Fung nods.

"Of course. I believe in giving others a second chance." Master Fung says.

"Please Alexis?" Omi asks as he gives a pleadingly look.

"Well... alright. I guess I can see how it goes." Alexis says.

"Very well. We will begin when you are all healed. For now rest. You need it. Everyone come. Let Alexis rest." Master Fung says as he leaves with Kimiko and Clay.

"I'm watching you." Raimundo says as he looks at Alexis as he leaves.

"I'm so happy you decided to stay Alexis." Omi says happily.

"Uh yeah... Me too." Alexis says as she looks down as Omi leaves.

*Timeskip To At Night*

Later at night as Alexis sees the others have went to bed she quickly gathers her things into a bag and goes outside to the front gate.

"It's for the best." Alexis says as she sighs.

"What is for the best?" A voice says revealing to be Omi as Alexis gets startled by him.

"Omi!? W-What are you doing up? I thought you were asleep?" Alexis asks nervously.

"I can ask you the same thing... Wait. Are you leaving? Why?" Omi asks sadly.

"Omi I just don't belong here. I don't want to cause trouble by staying." Alexis says.

"You won't. You have proven that to me. Please stay." Omi says.

"Omi you don't know me." Alexis says.

"I know you well enough." Omi says as Alexis shakes her head.

"Please don't make this any harder. I just think it's best if I leave. Me sticking in one place for too long has never ended well." Alexis says as she looks down.

"But how do you know it will end badly here if you don't give it a chance?" Omi asks.

"Say I do stay Omi what about your friends? They don't trust me." Alexis says as she looks at Omi.

"They will. Give them time. Once they get to know you like I have they will trust you." Omi says.

"I don't know Omi." Alexis says unsurely.

"Alexis do you trust me?" Omi asks.

"Huh?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Do you trust me?" Omi asks as Alexis nods.

"Of course." Alexis says.

"Then trust me when I say it will work out. Yes you've made mistakes but now you can make up for them. We all have made mistakes. It's okay. What matters now is what you choose to do from here. You won't ever be happy if you don't give things a chance." Omi says.

"And what if you're wrong?" Alexis asks.

"Then I will let you leave without an argument." Omi says.

"I'm just afraid Omi. I've been looking for a home and real friends for so long." Alexis says as she looks down.

"I know. But I promise I'll be by your side no matter what happens. Just give us a chance. For me?" Omi asks as Alexis sighs.

"Okay. For you I'll stay for now." Alexis says as she smiles at Omi.

"Good. Now come back inside." Omi says happily as he walks back inside with Alexis.

Love Is Stronger Than Evil Xiaolin Showdown Omi X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now