The Blonde Wolf

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"You might know this story as 'The Blonde Wolf'. Which is admittedly not the creepiest of titles. A couple named Mollie and John Dent decided to travel to the remote part of Texas. In spite of Mollie being close to giving birth, the couple were skeptical. As Mollie went into labor in May 1835, a severe thunderstorm hit while they were in Texas. John set out on horseback to get help for Mollie after realizing she was experiencing a few complications. Seeing some goat herders, John asked for their assistance. Before they set out for the isolated cabin, John was struck by lightning," Liza spoke. "It took the goat herders some time to find a way to the isolated cabin without John's assistance. She was found dead alone in the cabin by the goat herders upon their arrival. It is obvious that Mollie gave birth to the child, but it is not known where the child is. On Molly's body, wolf fang marks were also visible. The cabin also contained wolf tracks, indicating the horrific crime had been committed by wolves. Upon not finding the child, it was assumed that a timber wolf had consumed or carried the child away," Liza stated.

"Great, now you want to tell a tale about friggin' wolves, Liza," Elizabeth huffed. Charles and Adam chuckled as they watched Elizabeth furrow her eyebrows.

Liza nodded and continued, "Yeah. Anyway, fast forward ten years. In 1845, a young boy claimed to have spotted a creature with long hair covering its features. He said she was a half naked girl that was attacking a herd of goats in a company of wolves. His story was ridiculed by many but it still managed to spread to the settlements. A year later, a woman had the exact same story as the young boy. She said she'd seen two large wolves and an unclothed young girl devouring a freshly killed goat. The woman also noticed that the girl ran on all fours, but then stood tall and ran on two feet, staying in close range of the wolves. Due to the multiple sightings, more people kept a sharp eye out for the girl."

"I remember this one," Adam started to say. "Great," Mumbled Elizabeth. " Some say they have seen the girl in their region. Apache stories told of a child's footprints, sometimes accompanied by hand prints. Alongside wolf tracks in Sandy places near a river. A hunt was then organized to capture the wolf girl of Devil's River," he continued.

"On the third day of searching, she was sighted near Espantosa Lake, running with a pack of wolves. Eventually, a group of cowboys cornered the lobo or "wolf" girl in a nearby canyon which separated her from her wolf buddies. They said she fought like a wild cat, clawing and biting frantically to keep her freedom. They finally lassoed her to keep her still while they were in the canyon, but it didn't last very long. One of the others tied her up while the rest kept her still. While they did just that, she made unearthly sounds somewhere between a scream and a wolf's howl," Charles said. "After she howled, the monster he-wolf from whom she'd become separated from appeared and rushed to her rescue. Unfortunately, due to one of the cowboys quick actions, the he-wolf was shot dead. Then upon examination, the girl happened to be covered in hair, had wild manners, she still appeared human, other than not being able to speak a human language. After being captured they took the lobo to the nearest ranch that happened to be an isolated two roomed shack in the deserted wilderness," Charles added.

"She cried for help and got loose while the cowboys were busy in the front fighting off the wolves. Then what?" Elizabeth stated, annoyed. "After the young girl escaped, there was no trace of her at the moment of searching. Over periods of times there were a few people saying that they've seen the girl," Liza answered.

"It was also said that in 1852 by the mouth of the Devil's River, she was seen with two pups, when she realized she'd been seen she quickly fled with her pups. Now all that linger in these Kansas forests is a white apparition of the young girl," Adam finished.

"And finally sightings of a strange-looking wolf with suspiciously human-like features," Liza added lastly. 

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