High Beams

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 "Gather around the fire guys. It's story time," the coach yelled. After everyone gathered, they sat and got comfy. "Who's first?" the coach asked. Levi raised his hand and leaned into the fire. "Levi's first. Listen up," the coach said.

"We've all heard of the stories of road rage and lunatics not owning up to causing a wreck or nearly causing one. But this urban legend is on a whole 'nother level of lunatic and road rage. So, this woman went out for a few drinks with her friends for the night, 'cause who wouldn't? But she decides to drive home all on her own, with no one else," Levi stated.

Levi watched everyone as he continued, "As she drove down the deserted highway, she noticed a pair of lone headlights quickly approaching her car from behind. The car pulled beside her, but the driver suddenly swerved back behind her car. Of course, thinking about everything bad that could happen, she starts to get a bit nervous. He pulled up closer, like right on her tail close. But when he did, he flashed his high beams. He'd dim them and then they'll go right back to being bright."

"The guy is a lunatic. That's so scary. There's no way she wasn't freaking out," Enmi said. "Shut up, let him finish," Landon stated.

"The guy followed her extremely close, not trying to lose the woman. Continuously flashing his high beams on and off. The whole time with this guy following her, she had a hard time trying not to look in her rearview the entire time," Levi said.

"Well duh, she's driving," Landon added.

"She approached her exit, but the car still followed, flashing his high beams on and off. Seeing that it's only getting even scarier, she finally calls the police. She explains to the operator that there was a car following, tailgating and blinking their lights. Her home address was given to the cops and a few minutes later, she saw police lights approaching. The guy still followed her into her driveway while flashing his lights like crazy now," Levi paused. "The police pull up, weapons drawn, remove this lunatic from his car and put the guy on the ground, but what he says will make everything make a bit more sense. While they were handcuffing the driver he yelled twice, 'There's someone in her car!' But who? She left on her own, remember?"

Levi glanced around before continuing. "The two policemen turned to the woman and fired shots. The woman screamed and turned to see a bloody corpse of a murderer falling out of her back seat. The murderer had a large butcher knife in his cold hand. The police also found duct tape, a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs in the backseat. When the police released the man in handcuffs, he explained that he flashed his lights every time the guy rose up with the butcher knife. Every time he flashed his lights the murderer crouched back down."

"That's crazy. People are so crazy nowadays," said Enmi. Landon shook his head in disbelief and stated, "This is what usually happens if you leave your car doors unlocked like an idiot. If that guy didn't stay behind her, she would have been a goner. Lesson learned."

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