Axe Murder Hollow

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 "Axe Murder Hollow." "This was a place where a man had once taken an axe and hacked his wife to death," Riley stated.

"Why?" Bre asked. "Out of jealous rage over an alleged affair. Supposedly the axe wielding spirit of the husband continued to haunt that section of the road," Riley answered.

"Just so happens that Susan and Ned drove through the wooded area. They had to stop due to strong downpour. But when Ned was about to stop, the car suddenly slid on the slick pavement. They plunged off the road and slid to a halt at the bottom of an incline. Ned decided to check the condition of the car." "After he checked, Ned jumped back in, soaking wet. He'd told Susan that the car was fine but they were stuck in the mud and he'd have to go get help. Ned also told Susan to lock the doors and turn the headlights off until he returned. They'd heard the stories of the Axe Murder Hollow, so there was no need to explain why he'd ask her to stay in the car until he returned," Riley added.

"After Ned left, Susan heard a shriek, a loud thump, and a strange gurgling noise. But she couldn't see anything in the dark," Riley started.

"Ned died as soon as he tried to leave. The gurgling says it all," Bre stated. Riley chuckled and continued, "So, Susan shrank in her seat from fear, but after the silence passed, she heard more bumping noises. It was a soft sound, like something being blown by the wind. Suddenly! The car was illuminated by a bright light. An official sounding voice told her to exit the car. Thinking that maybe Ned found a police officer, Susan exited the car. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she saw it..."

"The dead body of Ned, hanging by his feet from the tree next to the car. His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated. Susan screamed and ran towards the light and voice. Once closer, she noticed that the light wasn't a flashlight but instead it was...a glowing figure of a man with a smile on his face and a large, solid, and definitely a real, bloody axe in his hand. Susan slowly backed away until she couldn't anymore."

"Playing around when my back is turned," the ghostly figure said as he stroked the sharp, blood-covered, blade with his fingers. The last thing Susan heard was 'You've been very naughty'. The last her eyes saw was a glint of the bloody axe blade in the eerie, incandescent light."

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