Chapter 5

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Alister: ( Great so next period is combat, I'm probably gonna get picked to fight in the battle. Ever since Travis told me to train with him, I feel like he's gonna make the combat teacher pick me to fight him )

Alister was very sure that there will be a battle and his opponent is Travis. As he walking towards the gym, he sees a female wolf. However the she was staring at him with regret on her face.

Alister: ( Why is that lady looking at me with a....face full of guilt and regret? )

Alister tried to look away from her and started focusing on where the gym is. After finding it

Alister: ( Hmm, it looks like he is not here. Maybe I won't fight him in this period. That's a save )

And suddenly the combat teacher came.

And suddenly the combat teacher came

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Everyone stopped talking as he came. The sir Inteoduced himself and he was saying the rules and basics for the duel in combat period. Alister already knows the rules, so he was tired and decided not to pay attention to it. However he still feels like he is being watched.

Mr. Forestier: Alright students, as today is our first day we will only do training sessions. But there will something happening in few days.

Everyone is confused on hearing what he said. He then pointed towards the door in which it opened and Travis came. Everyone was cheering for his arrival and ofcourse some girls are being very thristy.

Alister: ( Ewwwww! Hoes, behave yourself )

Travis: Alright. So what Mr. As Forestier was saying, the something he is talking about is that we're gonna recruit new members for a second division of the Horizon Breakers.

Everyone was screaming in excitement that they all are getting a chance to become a member of the Horizon Breakers.

Then the female wolf came in from the door. Everyone also screamed in excitement for her arrival, while Alister was confused as why they're going crazy for that wolf.

Alister: ( I guess she is also a member too. Hmm I think I know why she made that repentful face...)

Travis: Ayy, Mia what's up?

Mia just rolled her eyes at him, while he just pouted at her.

Travis: Well, you're no fun.

Mia: Whatever. As what he has said, yes we are recruiting a new members for our second division. But we have not decided the date but we will tell you momentarily.

Everyone is whispering to each other, questioning about how they will become the new member in the Horizon Breakers. Alister was wondering why they need a new member.

Alister: ( So that lady's name is Mia? hmm. But why do they need a new member? Eh I'm not minding it since they're probably gonna take any of these guys to fill in that spot )

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