Chapter 8

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Meanwhile in the staff room...

Travis: I got Alister to participate in the event. I do want him to join the team but I don't wanna force him. Why do you want him to join the team Ms. Hillberg?

Ms. Hillberg: Well he is very talented and he has a good heart. I know he want to help others but because of his past, he is closed off.

Travis: Well if you say so I guess. I'm gonna go now.

Ms. Hillberg: Alright, you may go Travis.

As Travis left, Ms. Hillberg was holding a small photo in her hand. In the photo were two girls, one human and canine one.

Ms. Hillberg: I hope you are watching us from the heaven.....Annabelle....

Meanwhile in the college...

In the lunchtime, Alister was getting his food from the cafeteria. He sees that the place was filled with so many people, making it quite noisy which makes him feel uncomfortable. So he went to the rooftop upstairs.

Alister: I hope no one is in the rooftop.....

Surprisingly there is no one in the rooftop, which was a relief for him. The place is quite and clean which is what he wanted, now he needs to find a bench to sit on. And it looks like he found a bench to sit.

Alister: Nice, a bench and no people in the rooftop. I can finally eat my lunch in peace.

As he munches on his lunch which is a sandwich that he bought from the cafeteria, he gazes on the sky.

Alister: Hmm, the sky is so blue, reminds me of Derrick's eyes....they always captivate me. I do admit Derrick has grown really big and handsome after so many years. Heh...from a cute boy to a big and handsome man.

A smile was form on his face, but when he lowers his head to take a bite from his sandwich he sees Derrick in front of him.

Alister: WAAH! D-Derrick! How did you come here all of a sudden? I didn't here any sound coming.

Derrick looks at the flustered boy with a smile.

Derrick: Oh? Sorry for that but aren't you supposed to know that I'm from the Silent snow clan. And you know what they are.

Alister: Ah I forgot about it. ( Great, I forgot he is from a clan of ninjas. Well he is the clan chief's son after all )

Alister: Also did you here what I just said.

Derrick: No. ( Yes, and I like it, and I... want more from you~ )

Alister: Hmm alright.

Derrick sits next to him

Derrick: Say...How are you doing here in this school?

Alister: Oh umm... I'm fine, just joined and it's quite nice. How about you?

Derrick: The school is good and gives a lot of opportunities to everyone.

Alister: So what do you wanna do after college.

Derrick: You still forgetting that I'm a clan chief's son, huh?

Alister: Oh never mind. But the people do need to do something to make money for food and their needs.

Derrick: Oh that's fine, me and my clan have done some works for that.

Alister: That's good.

Derrick: Also I wanted to kno-

???: Finally we found you.

Alister heard the call and looked at where the sound is coming. He sees Bruce along with the twins, all exhausted.

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