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I made many mistakes before
But you were my worst mistake of all
There are many memories I adore
But you I hate, and seeing you everyday makes me hate you even more
All the promises you made
All the words playing on repeat in the back of my head
I hate you most of all
It was all just a dream, until I realized you lied
It was all so real, until I realized what you actually did
You were my worst mistake of all
I hate you, I guess you can say I always will
But deep down I'll always feel love towards you
So many mistakes that caused pain
So many mistakes I find hard to forget
But It get's hard to see you, remember you, why does it seem so easy for you?
I loved you, but now I hate you
Remember those words "Ride or Die."
But mostly remember us
It no longer hurts, at least not that much
I miss you, I miss the way you looked at me the same way you looked at the stars
I miss the way you told me that you will always be there
But what a stupid mistake that was
I hate the fact that you never chose me
I hate the fact that you act like nothing ever happened
I never hate but you I hate most of all
For everything you did to me
For every tear I wasted trying to make you stay, to just make you choose me
I gave up months ago, but my heart never seems to let you go
Remember those words "You are my moon my loyal companion, it never leaves it always stays."
Remember how you promised "I'll never leave you, your my best friend."
Remember all those things
But mostly remember us
Remember what we were,
Remember me, is all I ask
Cause I promise to remember you.
You were my worst mistake of all
The mistake I'll forever remember and simply forever hate
I was his and he was mine
We were close, maybe even too close
At least now it's over the pain is done maybe you left me even numb
But you were the best mistake ever made
We were soulmates, but the world never wanted us together
I was so lucky, Because I had you and I needed nothing more
But that was never enough for you to stay was it?
Remember me, please
Remember the things you said to make me hate you even more
Remember is all I ask of you
Remember us, is all I want
You, the mistake I hate
The mistake I never seem to want to forget
The mistake of loving you,
It was all a big mistake
And the best mistake I could have ever made
The mistake of trusting you
The mistake of caring for you
The mistake of loving you
The mistake of making promises you knew you would break
But to the worst mistake of all, was meeting you.
To my best friend, my worst but best mistake of all.


Poems to himOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora