Dear friend...

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To get betrayed by those you love most is the worst kind of feeling any person can ever experience
To lose someone important and end up hating them is also the worst feeling to experience
You feel pain, betrayal, and anger but mostly sadness, a sadness you can't quite explain
To strangers to friends and then best friends but now we are none of those things no more
Only people who formed a dislike of each other because of a stupid mistake
I trusted them with my heart, I didn't expect them to crush it in front of me
I can feel my heart rate pick up every second I think about what you did
You wanted to protect me from others, but I wish you have told me I should protect myself from you
Because you hurt me this time and forgiveness does not come as easy as it use to
You said you were sorry, but you still keep on doing it, spreading the lies and my secrets to the world
The same secrets I told you because I trusted you
I can't explain the feeling when I finally realized what you have done
I can't explain the feeling, the anger I felt, not because of the story but because I trusted you
When I heard them say it right in front of me like I wasn't standing there listening
I never felt more betrayed in my life
I couldn't breathe because of the shock and betrayal
I couldn't believe you did what you did
And I couldn't believe the lies you told just to sound like the victim when you were so guilty
I am disappointed because now I don't know who you are anymore
You're, not the person I thought you were
And when I came to you and looked at you with tears in my eyes and asked you "what did I ever do to you?"
You couldn't even look me in the eye
You ran away, you went and hide
At that moment I couldn't breathe, I couldn't believe my own eyes,
I couldn't believe I have been betrayed by my very best friend
I have never felt more betrayed than now
I have never hated a person I loved and cared for so much
I trusted you, I cared for you, I loved you like my sister and you went and stabbed me in the back like it was Nothing
The word Betrayal was just a word I use to read about, it was something I thought could never happen
Until now, you have proven me wrong
You have shown me exactly what Betrayal looks like,
I hope you are satisfied with what you have done my dear friend, I hope you feel like the victim in this story
The victim who took the blade in her hand and stabbed her friend with it, my blood is on your hands
You just can't see it, because you pretend you washed it off for good
But the stains never go away my dear friend
This Betrayal will never go unknown
I will never forgive you for this
I will never trust you again
Because you
My so-called friend Betrayed me
You have stepped over the line
Just to be the victim in this story
With all my heart I hope you're extremely happy with what you have done I hope my tears have made you smile and be happy forever
I hope you are satisfied
My dear friend
I never thought I would ever get betrayed by my dear friend
What a betrayal that was.


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