This drug...

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Getting high is everything they talked about..
It's scary... it's amazing... is so beautiful and yet so deadly
But they should have warned me about this other drug... the deadliest one of all.. the drug that makes you feel so alive it may even seem unreal
A type of drug you only get now and then.. here and there.
It's a dangerous type of drug... the most lethal one of all...
But that drug is the best drug you can possibly find because it's so natural and yet so fake...
It's so beautiful and yet so ugly..
No other drug could ever compare to this..
No drug can make your stomach flip and make the oxygen seem even better than it was before
No drug could ever come close...
To this feeling in your head.. the happiness and yet still a little bit of sadness...
But oh... you get addicted just as quick
It's addictive... it's so passionate and yet so agonizing
It's the worst type of drug... but for some... the best one that could have come
One hint of this drug, and you'll forever want more
One hint is all it takes to forever wanting more
Because One hint won't seem enough... all of it is what you'll want...
This drug is beautiful and yet so ugly... this drug you can only find now and then... here and there... or forever or never
This drug is everything you want but everything you hate
Addiction comes quickly after one taste of this drug...
Obsession will always be there wanting more of what it can't have...
This drug is lethal and yet so good for you...
It's human and yet so unhuman like
It's passion and poison all in one...
It can either kill you or save you it's all up to what you want... and what you can have or never will get
It's different from the rest, so different you might think it was never there at first, but once you see it and feel it...
It's all you'll ever want... all you'll ever need... it's something you crave till your grave
It's something unique and so rare you might even find it fake...
But it's real... and we have all felt it now and then... here and there... now or soon... or forever or never...
But this drug... this drug is so much better than the rest could ever be...
So much beauty and so much hurt but yet happiness will always be deep down... away and so near your reach
Happiness is all we want... and this drug is all we need to sometimes fulfill this need...
It's a drug... a drug very addictive and yet so fragile... but oh, so great...
It's a drug it has always been a drug we seem to want and need... a drug we sometimes wish we could feel to full this void of emptiness inside of us..
We all felt it... here and there
It's so real... it feels so real.. it's actually kind of scary... but yet so exciting
This drug makes oxygen taste even better
This drug makes your mind seem less dark and more filled with light
This drug is something we all need to feel something even better than what we think we need
This drug is something way better than dreams could ever be...
No matter the age... no matter the looks... no matter the size.. no matter the cause... no matter what this drug comes and goes as it, please
This drug... is so agonizing... but yet so peaceful
It's a feeling some of us have been searching for our entire life...
This drug is something way better than what we could even imagine
It's something I want but never seem to get... it's a drug you want but can seem to find...
It's natural... it's human... and it's beautiful...
It's alive and not dead it brings you joy and happiness... it gives you life and brings you up when you are down... it gives you a smile and a stomach flip now and then.. it's something way better than drugs could ever be...
This drug is no drug at all... but a human emotion we can get addicted to...
It's natural and beautiful... it can change and heal... and yet destroy and kill
But this drug called love can be good or bad...
This drug is something out of this world... it happens now and then... here and there...
But it always happens...
This drug called love always seems to heal what has been broken before... it can restore a heart that has been shattered a thousand times into a billion pieces..
And it might even seem impossible..
But to this drug, anything will always be possible...
Because this drug does heal... it comes with time and heals without force or pressure... it comes with time...
With this drug, every piece can be restored...
It's a miracle... it's magic... it's everything we want and need to feel alive
Magic does not exist, but with this drug, you will see a miracle...
It's addictive and can sometimes kill.... but it can also save and heal...
It's dangerous but can be so beautiful...
We are sometimes so scared because it might seem so fragile, and it might feel like it might just end...
But without force and pressure, this drug can last longer than a lifetime..
This drug... is natural.. it's more human than we will ever get to be... and when it fianlly finds you, you will feel something you've never felt before
And don't be scared or try to run away
You'll feel alive...
You'll feel free...
You'll feel happy..
And finally, at peace...
It's all love... it's a drug a beautiful kind of love we seem to want now and then...
But never seem to find because this drug called love comes when you leatst expect it...
It comes when you most need it.. Without you even knowing it...
This drug was always dangerous... but can always be beautiful... it's always up to you..
Run away or stay and see the miracle you were always meant to feel.
This drug has one name... and one name only..


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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