Worth waiting for...

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"Kiss me, kiss me until I can feel nothing but your soft lips against ,mine
Touch me, touch me until your touch is all I can feel, as ink on my skin,
Hold me, hold me now, hold me forever, hold me until we no longer can hold on to each other,
Love me, love me until there's nothing left to love,
Want me, want me forever like two souls bound to belong together,
It's all so simple, just choose me till there's nothing left to choose,
Dance with me, Dance with me till we no longer can,
Walk with me, Walk with me trough life and hell it self, till there is no more path to follow,
Fly with me trough the sky till our wings are taken away,
Let us be the stars to guide those who are lost,
Miss me, miss me when I am not by your side, miss me when you no longer feel my touch against your skin,
Talk to me, talk to me till there is no more words left to say,
Laugh with me, laugh till we no longer can breath,
Smile with me, smile till there is nothing left to smile about,
But most of all love me till there is nothing left to love,
Soulmates and twin flames, it was always meant to be, you and me,
Make love ours, till love no longer exists,
Make forever ours, till forever falls apart
Cry with me, till there is nothing left to cry about,
Die with me, so we can be together in the after life,
Fight with me, let's fight for love and show the world love is worth fighting for,
But most of all live with me, till there is nothing left to live for,
God gave me something good, he gave me you, my partner, my soulmate, my twin flame,
So let us love till love no longer exists,
Let us marry and make a promise to never let it break,
Pray with me, and let us be happy together,
Pray to the god who brought our souls together and formed us as one,
It will all be so much worth waiting for, a partner, send by god, so you are no longer alone
But together as one,
I will be waiting because that love is worth waiting for.
A soulmate, a twin flame bound to be together as one, and always meant to be, just you and me.
In the end it would all be worth waiting for."


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