So Don't Blame me...

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You don't get it you saved me,
You fought for me even after I left you,
You came back for me after days I left you,
You chose me when nobody else ever did,
You loved me in a way I never thought I could be loved,
And after all the shit I've put you trough you came back for me,
You saved me, you change everything for me because you are my definition of love,
For all my life I've waited,
For all my life I had false hope for love until you,
You showed me what love is, what love really is,
And so no one can blame me for falling head over heals for you,
Because you were the one meant to find me,
You were the one I was waiting for my entire life,
I love you more then anything in this world, in this universe, in this galaxy, I love you now and forever
I'll love you even if it kills me,
You are my world,
You are the piece of my world I can't afford to lose,
You are the one who listens when I can't stop talking,
You were the one who gave me hope,
You saved me, and I would forever love you, care for you, stay with you no matter the cost
You are my greatest weakness, and loosing you would kill me completely,
So don't blame me for choosing you above everything in my life,
God gave me something good he gave me you,
You were the one since the first time we made eye contact.
You were the one.
I'm so glad you found me, without you I would still be searching for something I could never find, Love.
You stood by me, when I was at my lowest
You are the reason I healed in the darkest of times,
We always found our way back, even if we couldn't we did,
You always look at me that way, I call it the look of love,
I could not live without you I couldn't even try, without looking into that blue, grey eyes.
Your touch brings peace to me,
Your kiss brings me love and so much more,
So I simply love you most, because I can't live without you by my side
You fought for me when I couldn't even fight for myself,
You tried when I couldn't
We both fought to keep this love real.
This love right here is ours it's because we loved even when we couldn't
We fought,
And fck don't blame me for loving you most,
You are my everything and I would destroy myself just for you,
You are my first and my very last, you are the very reason I never gave up, you are the very reason why I believe in love,
It was all because of you,
This love, I would rather die then lose it.
You are my very reason of living,
You are the reason for so many things, and fck I love you most now and forever
Nothing could ever tear us apart because I would fight for you and this love even if it kills me, even if it completely destroys me
You saved my life,
And with you I see a future with love and happiness and without you I see no future at all
I once told you "I don't deserve you.."
But you made me fall in love with you even more by saying these exact words "But we deserve each other."
You came back, even after I left.
You always come back no matter what.
You said "I'll always love me no matter what." And you do, and I know you always will,
I fell in love with you day by day, little by little, piece by piece,
And I still keep on falling and I know If I someday hit the ground you'll be there to catch me,
I found something in you I never found in someone else before
I love you now and forever and that's our promise
Now and forever I still remember you saying "I love you now and forever."
It was all because of you, all this because of you.
A thousand stories, a thousand books I have loved so much but you I love most of all, our story I adore and love most of all.
This is real, our love is unstoppable, untouchable, because we fight for each other.
Don't blame me for loving him the most, his the one who I choose above all.
Because he chose me.
Romeo and Juliette could never.
Nothing could ever change my mind.
Even if I lose my memory I would still find my way back to you, because we are those who met for a reason,
I would always come back to you,
No matter what.
You are my reason, my person the one I would chose above all,
So don't blame me.
I love you now and forever,
You are my now and forever and I could write a thousand more poems about you,
Because I love you most.


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