Season 2 - Part 5

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Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or Godzilla so don't report me, this is for entertainment purposes only.

Also, I should let you know that this chapter will be based on The Owl House Season 2, Episode 6.

With episode 5 being the same as in canon. Luz accidentally getting Amity fired from her job at the library before getting her unfired and then Amity kissing her cheek, leaving Luz stunned outside Blight Manor.

Also, since they still have the portal, Luz goes home early, finding Vee to which they both explained everything to Camila.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We begin with Luz at Hexside's Grudgby field along with Willow, Gus and other students as Principal Bump and Eda showed up.

Principal Bump: Good tidings on this momentous day. You're all about to receive your witches' staffs and, more importantly, meet your palisman. This is a crucial step in your magical development. Palismen are lifelong partners. They can become your good friends and a powerful tool. In my case . . .

He says, revealing to everyone that his hat is his palisman, returning to his staff as the principal's long black hair was let down.

The students gasped in surprise upon this revelation.

Principal Bump: Frewin here helps me see.

Eda: Now, traditionally, young witches carve their staffs from the branch of an old Palistrom tree.

Principal Bump: But, sadly, Palistrom trees are becoming more rare. And those that remain are guarded covetously.

Eda: That's why I've teamed up with Bumpipoo-

Principal Bump: Never call me that.

Eda: To bring you . . .

She says before Bat Queen shows up.

Bat Queen: Palisman Adoption Day!

She said as a dozen or so palismen appeared, the students looking at them in awe.

Luz: They're so cute!

Bat Queen: These little ones have not had homes in many years. They want to feel a connection. Kneel and state your deepest wish, and your like-minded partner will find you.

Boscha: Ugh. I want my own Palisman, not some trashy hand-me-down.

Willow: Your loss!

She says, being the one to go first.

Willow: I want to be strong and wise to protect everyone I love. And if anyone gets in my way, they'll feel the sting of defeat.

Bat Queen: Tender yet tenacious. Clover gives her support.

She says before Clover, a bird faced bee-like Palisman, buzzes up to Willow, transforming into a staff.

Willow: Oh my gosh! I'm gonna take such good care of you.

Boscha: Outta my way!

She says, shoving Willow away.

Boscha: I wanna play professional Grudgby!

She said as Bat Queen chuckled.

Bat Queen: A competitive spirit. Maya will be thrilled.

She says before Maya, a crab-like Palisman, crawls up to Boscha, transforming into a staff.

Boscha: Okay. This is pretty cool.

Afterwards, Viney & Gus took their turns and each got a palisman of their own.

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