Chapter 4

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(While out there, Thunder was driving until he stopped when he reached a forest)

Thunder: How about we rest, miss? I'm already tired up...

Generous: (Gets off Thunder and Terence comes out of her bag) Yeah, I think it's best. (Takes off her compass)

Thunder: Now, that we stopped can you tell me where are you from?

Generous: Oh, right. I'm coming from Equestria.

Thunder: Equestria? Mmmmm, doesn't ring a bell.

Generous: I knew you wouldn't know... But we could try, right? (Flies around while looking at her compass)

Generous: You better not gotten us lost!

Thunder: Hey I know what I'm doing!

(Suddenly, Generous bumps into something and falls backwards. She gets up and takes a look at what she bumped into: It was a grey cat with brown hair with a ponytail and wearing a white shirt, a black jacket, grey pants and a red heart necklace)

Generous: Hello?

Catherine: (Sees her and gets creeped out) Am I hallucinating?

Generous: (Shocked and Confused) Considering you're a talking cat, I've been thinking the same thing.

Catherine: (Touches Generous to make sure she isn't hallucinating) So, y-you're real. A real unicorn!

Generous: Technically, I'm an alicorn. I'm Generous.

Catherine: Catherine, Catherine Willows.

Generous: Nice, to meet you, Catherine. Over here is my good friend, Thunder.

Thunder: We're not friends!!!

Catherine: (Screams) This can't be happening!!!!

Thunder: Kid, calm down! We're tourists.

Catherine: Stay back!!! CARS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO TALK!!!

Generous: (In her mind) *Neither should cats...*

Thunder: Well, too bad!!!

Generous: Don't worry about him, he won't hurt you. None of us will, we just go around the world...

Thunder: Just a few places!!!

Catherine: All around the world?

Generous: Yeah, well not all the world but we can go to a few places.

Catherine: (Whispers to herself) A good chance to run away... (To Generous) Can I join?

Generous: Sure, you can come with us. (To Thunder) Can she come?

Thunder: Ugh, fine. But we'll take her back to wherever she came from!!!

Catherine: (Gasps softly at the sound of it)

Generous: Come on, Catherine. (Jumps on Thunder) Let's go.

Catherine: (Feels around Thunder) Where are the doors?

Thunder: There ain't no doors!!!! NOW HOP IN!!!

(Catherine, climbs onto Thunder)

Catherine: (Sees Terence jumping to Generous' front hoofs, shocked to see a feral cat) I'm not even pointing out this one....

Thunder: I'm going to regret this, am I? (Starts driving)

(An hour later, they got to a strange place)

Generous: Over there!

Thunder: Okay, now we're definitely lost!

Catherine: (She and Generous climb down) What is this place?

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