Chapter 7

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(It was nighttime at the camp and Generous was treating the injured Thunder)

Thunder: (Screams in pain) That hurts!!!!

Generous: If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much.

Thunder: Well, if you did your journey with an airplane or hot air balloon or something, this wouldn't have happened!

Generous: Well, if I had the money for that, I wouldn't have met you!

Thunder: (Opens his mouth to respond but has to stop and think of a good line) Well you shouldn't have left your hometown at all!!!!!

Generous: Well, you should learn to control your temper!

(Thunder stops)

Generous: Now, hold still. This may sting a little.

(She continues treating Thunder's wounds)

Evelyn: Hey, Generous. I saw what you did back there. You really showed them.

Generous: Well, usually I don't act like this, but these guys crossed the line.

Evelyn: Maybe I was wrong about you not being able to survive out there. You could have made a better hero than me.

Generous: Aha! I was right! But a hero? That would be weird right? I mean, I'm just an alicorn trying to live normally and you are a dog who can talk and knows karate. You saved me and my friends!!!

Evelyn: I did... But even a hero can feel empty and weak. You can save and help people, fight crime and do what's right but... you can't save everyone and everything.... (Tears up) No matter how much you try... And you want to forget it and make sure it won't happen again but... You can't help but feel... you'll fail someday...

Generous: That must be really hard for you.

Evelyn: You have no idea what it's like... Not even I would have fought those appliances that easily.

Generous: Of course, you would, just like you did with the wolves.

Evelyn: (Chuckles) You really don't understand, do you?

Generous: Maybe, I don't but that doesn't mean I can't make you feel better. You're my friend. You and the others are the first friends I ever had.

Catherine: First friends?

Generous: Yeah, I didn't have any friends when I was young... The other ponies thought I was weird because I was an alicorn. Well, we do have alicorn princesses but I'm not royalty, I was born from a unicorn and a Pegasus. And it's very rare to happen... Which is why a lot of ponies teased me. (Opens her heart locket and reveals a family picture of her younger self and her parents) Luckily, I had my parents who were always there for me.

Delilah: Wow, these are your parents?

Generous: Yeah. Maybe someday, you'll get to meet them.

Delilah: And maybe my brothers Milo and Oscar can have a chance to meet you. I mean Milo's already dating a hamster.

Generous: Hm?

Delilah: But I also date a lobster, so that's not all that strange right? Love can be strange...

Twistar: Anyway, why is this trip around the world so important to you?

Generous: I just wanted to see what's out there from my home. I'm curious to see the world outside my home. And maybe I could have done it if I had the money... But who am I kidding? My bosses won't even pay me. They just want me to make their goods while they take their credit! They don't let me sing, they don't let me talk, they don't even want me to do my journey!!!

Bong: WHAT?! Unbelievable!!!

Generous: You said it. Some kind of jerks they are!!!

Bong: It kind of reminds me of Hap, he would always say I'm not ready to go to the outside world.

Thunder: (To Generous) Listen, girl. If I were you, I would go to them and yell at their faces and teach them a lesson!!!

Generous: But these guys have magic!

Thunder: Yeah, so do you.

Generous: (Sighs) Maybe, but they would grab me with their magic before I could use mine on them.

Thunder: Are you saying you should let them get away?! THEY'RE DIRTY CHEATERS!!! I have a rival who is a complete cheater and all I can do is watch him win!!!! While I go second or third or even last!!! It's always been my dream and this jerk ruined it... Thanks to him, I'll never be like McQueen. I'll never go first place ever!!! I'm a loser....

Generous: Well, I don't know about race cars but first place, second place or third place I think you're the best and coolest car I ever met.

Thunder: (Gets surprised when he heard that)

Twistar: And another thing, even if Thunder was a jerk and me not really being that friendly towards you how come you're not bothered?

Generous: I am bothered, but I believed that maybe you may not be as bad as you appear to be.

Twistar: You know... I never thanked you for saving my life.

Thunder: Neither did I.

Generous: It's my pleasure. I couldn't see you get hurt in any way.

Bong: (Keeps petting Terence) Your cat is pretty sweet.

Generous: Thanks, I found him on the streets when he was a kitten. And now he never leaves me.

Evelyn: (Yawns) We better go to sleep.

Bong: I'm with the dog.

(They all lay down, except Thunder and Generous starts singing)

Generous: 🎵Sleep, little one, close your eyes

Your body's cooling with the night

Let your worries slip away

Tomorrow is a brand new day

Shimmering moon and satin sky

Soft wind breathes its lullaby

Your dreams are here to set you free

The dawn will bring you back to me

The dawn will bring you back to me~🎵

(Everyone has fallen asleep)

Generous: Goodnight, my friends. (Falls asleep)

(The next day, at Equestria the unicorn family were outside Generous' house banging on her door)

Spark Strike: Generous!!! Generous!!! Wake up, it's time for you to do some work!!!

Maneden: (Looks through the window) She's not here.

Tropic Breeze: What?! She can't be gone; we need her to create our food for the Gala!!!!

Spark Strike: Where could she possibly be? (Realizes something) Of course!

To be continued

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