Chapter 8

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(The next day, Generous and her friends wake up and come out of their camp)

Generous: (Sighs) What a lovely morning... (Looks in the distance)

Thunder: Is something wrong?

Generous: Well, I know going around the world was my dream and all... but now.... Maybe that's enough travelling for me... Maybe I should continue it when I really have the money... Now, I... I...

Catherine: You miss your home, didn't you?

Generous: Yeah... I know things weren't really good then but still, It's my home.

Terence: (Rubs against her front legs)

Catherine: To tell you the truth, I feel a little homesick too. I have to go back and say to my mum how sorry I was.

Evelyn: We can take you back, if you want.

Thunder: After all, we made a deal, didn't we?

Generous: Yes...

Delilah: Awww.

Bong: It's okay, Delilah. There's always next time.

(Later, Generous and her friends were on Thunder, and he was driving around a town)

Delilah: Now, which town was this?

Twistar: I don't know, I can't remember.

Thunder: I just hope we didn't get lost.

(They hear something)

Boy voice: Look at those little freaks.

(They look over and see a gang of boys circling around four terrified chipmunks. The chipmunks were three female ones, a pink one with light blue hair with rainbow dye, a blue one with glasses and purple hair with pastel dye, a yellow one with orange hair with golden dye and a male light blue chipmunk with dark blue hair)

Clara: Cut it out!

Bully boy 2: Those pastel wannabes have serious coloring problem.

Bully boy: Yeah, little freaks! (Pokes them)

Jake: Stop it!

Bully boy 3: Hey, they jiggle when you poke them.

(The bullies laugh)

Bong: What do we do?

Twistar: Maybe you should use your magic again, Generous.

Thunder: No! I have a better idea.

(The bully boys continue laughing as they poke the chipmunks)


Bully boy: Who said that?

(They turn around and see him and gasp in shock and horror)

Thunder: Yeah, you hear me. Someone's gotta teach you a lesson.

Bully boy: (Scared) But... but...

Thunder: I know what's your thinking: Ohh, but cars can't talk! Well, too bad. And you little boys are nothing but vicious, stupid selfish repulsive little brats if you think you'll get away with bullying creatures weaker than you. And you better trust me when I say, I will be watching your every move. And next time you'll pick on those kids again... you're roadkill.

(The bullies scream in terror and run away)

Thunder: (Chuckles)

Generous: Woah, brutal but way to go!

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