Chapter 6

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(After a few minutes of driving, Bong was singing a song)

Bong: 🎵She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes

She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes

She'll be coming 'round the mountain

She'll be coming 'round the mountain

She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes

Thunder: (Annoyed) Are you done?!

Bong: I still have more lines left.

Thunder: (Groans) I can't wait until this is done!!!!

Delilah: (To Bong) Are you also travelling the world?

Bong: Yeah, something like that.

Delilah: (To Catherine) What about you, kitty. Why are you following them?

Catherine: Oh, I was just running away from Elmore.

Generous: Elmore?

Catherine: It's where I'm coming from.

Generous: Why would you run away, then?

Catherine: Well, in school I was having a bad day. I mean I have a nice family, but I don't do very well at school and earlier today, some kids really teased me, so I beat them up. But the principal found out, called my mum and she got really mad at me, so I left.

Bong: (In a mad tone) Are you saying you abandoned your home just because your mum got upset because you beat up some kids?!

Catherine: I decided if no one respects me here, I'll find a place where someone would.

Bong: Your mother just got upset with you because of your own good!!! You said she was nice, didn't you?!

Catherine: Hey, you wouldn't understand so back off!!!

Bong: What I do understand is that a good parent does everything they can for their child, no matter what happens to them!!!

Generous: (Separates them) Woah, time out!!! Catherine, I don't think-

Thunder: Um, Generous? Do you recognize this place because I feel like we're going in circles.

Generous: Well, don't worry. (Laughs nervously as she took out her compass) I know where we should go. That way!

(They follow her when suddenly, Delilah notices some hungry wolves staring at them)

Delilah: (Terrified) WOLVES!!!! WOLVES!!!!!!

(Everyone turns around and sees the wolves)

Thunder: Let's get out of here!!!

(The girls climb on Thunder, and he starts driving as the wolves chased them)

Generous: Go, Thunder, go!!!!

Catherine: Hurry!!!

(However, Thunder was forced to stop as he saw more wolves and soon, they have surrounded them)

Generous: Are those real wolves?!

Bong: Yeah, why?

Generous: Our wolves are literal Timberwolves. They were made out of timber!!!

Twistar: (Tries to fend of the wolves the electricity from her tail) Girl, what kind of weird things do you have in your neck of your woods?!

Terence: (Hisses)

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