Chapter 9 (FINAL)

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(Generous has finally arrived at Equestria. She trotted around feeling happy that she's back home)

Generous: (Sighs) I'm finally home...

Spark Strike: (Offscreen) THERE YOU ARE!!!

(Generous freezes in shock and turns around and sees the unicorn family approaching her)

Spark Strike: Where have you been all day?

Generous: Um, I had to visit my parents?

Maneden: Hmm, right. Your parents.

Generous: Yeah...

Tropic Breeze: And why do you have a bag with you?

Generous: (Nervous) I just do, okay?

Tropic Breeze: Tell us, you didn't actually run off Ponyville. Were you?

Generous: N-no...

Spark Strike: Don't lie to us, Generous! We don't take up excuses!

Generous: Fine! I did try to make the journey. But I was planning on coming back-

Spark Strike: I knew it!!! Did you have any idea that you have to go to work?!

Generous: Well, maybe I don't want to work with a bunch of liars like you!!!

(The unicorn family gasps but then grab Generous with their magic and swang her around hitting her in a tree, causing her to drop her bag and Terence came out))

Maneden: Oh no, you don't.

Tropic Breeze: Tonight's the Grand Galloping Gala. And we need you to make the sweets we'll take there.

Spark Strike: And since you dared to sneak out of work, you're gonna help us serving them at the Gala. But remember the one simple rule: STAY SILENT!!!

(Generous looked at them weakly with watery eyes as Terence felt bad for his master. Meanwhile, Thunder came back to his hometown)

Buck: Thunder! Oh, thank manufacturer you're okay. I've looked everywhere for you!

Thunder: I was just out for a walk... A very long one...

Buck: So, are you ready to go?

Thunder: I-I don't know...

Buck: What's wrong?

Thunder: Buck I-I-

Buck: If something bothers you, you can tell me.

Thunder: I'M VERY SORRY! I mean, I'm sorry...

Buck: (Shocked by what he heard)

Thunder: You were right, you were right all along. I've acted like a huge jerk. All right? I was just hurting because I knew I'd lost in every race I went. And that, in the eyes of the world, I'll always be number two. But you know what? Who gives a piece of junk? Right? It doesn't matter if I win or not. I know who I am. And that's all that's important. And I know who my friends are. And Buck, thank you for everything you've done for me even if I didn't appreciate it before.

Buck: You were a jerk indeed.... But I accept your apology. (Smiles) And for what it's worth, as far as I'm concerned, you're a champion to me.

Thunder: Well, you were the only one who cheered for me even when I go second or third place.

Buck: Yeah.

(They both laugh)

Buck: I've only did that because I wanted you to feel like you won.

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