Chapter 4

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The ride home was a quick one, much like the ride to the hospital.

It was only a matter of time Saliha would also bring her father. It thrilled her - to think her father would come home safe and sound, alive and well, free from the misery of being alone in the hospital, surrounded by his wife and children and the happiness they bring to him. It would be like how it was before he got admitted; Saliha would see him everyday, they would eat dinner together, and he would make his typical corny jokes that would, at times, have Saliha rolling and Maria and Zaki groaning in disappointment. Saliha wouldn't have to drive miles and miles to see him. She wouldn't have to only see him every weekend. The family would feel complete. Her father would stay, embraced in the warmth of his home.

That was what really mattered to Saliha. By no means did she take her father's state for granted. She was wary of his condition, and she knew it would make more sense to care more about his health and safety, but she wanted him to leave the hospital for the sake of being home.

For the sake of being close.

Saliha set foot into her house and wiped the sweat from the back of her neck. Although she was inside most of the time, and the car had been air conditioned, the scorching heat had somehow managed to make her hands and back perspire. It was especially uncomfortable while driving and having both hands on the wheel and the sun face on her side of the window. 

Saliha grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe and made a beeline to the bathroom. After getting soaked in cold water, she patted herself dry and put on a floral dress and hijab

She laid out a prayer mat and performed salah as soon as she entered her room. She took an extra few minutes afterwards to truly thank God for all her blessings. Taking a long, deep breath, she recollected all that she was happy, excited, and nervous for, all that she was awaiting the next few days.

Saliha jumped suddenly at the sound of her phone buzzing. It was laid on her desk, which amplified the vibration. Thankful that no one had witnessed her in startlement, Saliha folded away her prayer mat and picked up her phone.

"Karima baji?" she whispered the contact name appearing on the screen. "Hello?" Saliha was greeted with ear-piercing screams in the background as soon as she answered.

"Assalamu 'Alaikum Saliha", Karima chirped, paying no regard to the clamor in the background. "Long time no speak, eh?" she said sarcastically.

"Wa 'Alaikumussalambaji. Oh, yeah... been a while. What's up?"

"I have a request, only if you don't mind. What I'm about to ask is huge, so it's fine if you refuse." 

"What is it?" Saliha said, careful not to say "Sure" without knowing what she was being asked to do.

"The kids are upset that I had ice cream without them, and they won't lay off the subject!"

So that's what they're fussing about, thought Saliha. 

"I'm technically not on vacation, so I still have lots of work to finish up - whatever I can virtually anyway. I would ask Mum, but she's taking a nap, and I don't want to disturb her. Jamal wanted to ease the tension off my shoulders, but he's on a strict keto diet right now; he's worried he'll give in to temptation if he goes."

Saliha smirked at the mention of "right now". It was funny to her how Karima made it seem how this diet was not going to last forever for Jamal.

"He's trying his hardest to distract the kids with other indoor activities, but we didn't pack much. Only a Switch - which I know they'll fight over - and Monopoly - which they'll fight over even more."

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