Chapter 9

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The day of the meeting arrived, and everything had been prepared nearly half an hour early. Saliha especially was very busy. She had taken a shower early in the morning, put on her sky blue duplin dress, matched it with a glittery indigo hijab, put on light makeup, and after much persuasion from her mother, put on gold bracelets and a chain with an amethyst-colored pendant around her neck. That was as far as jewelry went for Saliha, for she disliked wearing the pretty adornments especially when they inhibited her from doing handiwork.

The living room was also taken special attention to - the decorations from Adam's party in the past week were taken down, leaving the walls as blank and plain as can be, and extra chairs from the dining area were aligned close together for Saliha's aunt and cousins. The chai was set in a pot, and the snacks were neatly arranged alongside the teacups and saucers in a pretty tray, to be served once the guests arrive. 

Shortly afterwards, the bell rang, and Saliha's heart skipped a beat just before realizing her own cousins and aunt were to join them as well. Saliha answered the door and led the crew in the living room. Once everyone greeted each other, they sat down in their respective seating and began making small talk.

Saliha and the rest of her family sat on the same couch, across the three chairs which had her aunt and cousins. The couch next to them was left vacant for the guests.

Maria and Adam were chattering away happily with Sarah, trying to contain their anxious feelings about the meeting. Zaki, of course, could not make do sitting still and doing simply nothing, so he had occupied himself with his Switch, that is, before Basit had arrived. Clearing away his video game, his attention was now on Basit, who conversed with him about how dull and boring their situation turned out to be.

Karima, on the other hand, was more intrigued by Saliha, whom in every way revealed her nervousness. "How do you feel?" Her eyes glimmered when she spoke, and Saliha could tell that her appearance entertained her; Saliha's elbows rested on her thighs and her hands were folded across her mouth, and it was obvious to anyone who saw her that she was thinking frantically about what was to come.

"Mom", Zaki groaned while having his eyes fixed on the ceiling. 

"What is it, Zaki?"

"We need a new couch."

Maria's eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong with this one? Certainly the guests wouldn't take notice on how old it is?" 

"It's not that", Zaki shook his head. "When someone sits next to you on this couch, you feel every single movement they make, like how I'm sitting next to Baji and I can feel her annoying leg shaking as if she's going to cause an earthquake."

This made Saliha stop shaking instantly. "Sorry, Zaki, I'm just nervous."

Zaki rolled his eyes. "No, shoot, dingus. It's written all over you."

Karima and Basit snickered while Maria sighed. "Karima, would you be a dear and switch seats with Zaki?"

"Sure, chachi!"

Karima and Zaki did as they were told as Adam leaned forward to view his daughter. "Saliha, you okay?"

Saliha pursed her lips. "Yeah, I just never been in this situation, so I don't know what to expect."

"Calm down, cuz", said Basit. "Just take it easy."

Karima narrowed her eyes. "He's one to talk. In his first meeting with Dania, he tried complimenting her while trying to make it halal, but this dummy doesn't know that it's absolutely impossible!"

"It's not impossible, okay?" Basit attempted to defend himself. "You can say things like -"

"Anyway", Karima interrupted, now receiving everyone's attention in the room, "it went so bad that it sounded like insults, especially how he stuttered horribly every time he talked. It's a wonder how Dania wanted to continue getting to know him after that! Poor girl probably felt sorry for him." She muttered the last sentence before shrieking with laughter.

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