Chapter 22

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Saliha climbed down the stairs for another samosa. Like her mother had already mentioned, the samosa had gotten cold, and the taste was not as satisfying. 

Nevertheless, Saliha grabbed one and motioned it towards the chutney. After taking a bite, Saliha thought back to Najam's words long ago.

What would you do if you liked someone?

Obviously, I would let my mother know, she thought. 

Saliha double dipped and took another bite. Was it too early to tell her? She knew literally nothing about Husain, except that he plays basketball, he's a student, he's handsome, and presumably wanted to get to know her.

Saliha finished her samosa and went to the sink to wash her hands. She strolled up the stairs again and decided to write down her ideas. In her notebook, she titled her page "What do I want to know about Husain?"

Below the title, she jotted a few questions:
"1. Does he work?" - because if he doesn't, then it was a no for her. She wanted a man by her side who works and is responsible with expenditures and finances. She decided to discuss with him at a later time if things advance for them.
"2. If so, what does he do?" - just to make sure he was earning a halal income.
"3. What is he studying right now?" - out of curiosity.
"4. Does he go to the masjid regularly?" - might give her a slight hint of how religious he is.
"5. Does he read the Qur'an regularly?" - same thought process as #4.
"6. Does he have a good relationship with his family?" - it might tell Saliha a few things more about Husain's personality and if he is kind and caring towards his loved ones. It might reflect how well he treats Saliha herself.
"7. Does he want kids?" - if he doesn't, then it was a no for her. Saliha for sure wanted children at some point in her life. It might also give her a hint of how well he treats children, though Saliha had caught a glimpse of this already the day they met each other at the park.
"*8. Will he be willing to relocate to her house?"- this was an all-or-nothing question to Saliha. If the answer was no, then she would forget about Husain altogether and try her luck on finding someone else. 

It had been years since her father passed away, and his death still reminded her of the reason why she wanted her future spouse to be beside her. The family had grieved for Adam and were finally recovering, but the past few years taught her to still provide for them. To still care for them. She did not want to leave their side.

Especially her mother. 

Zaki would soon go to college, and whether he was planning to dorm or commute, she did not know. Regardless, Saliha wanted to be prepared for any circumstance.

She wanted to keep her family company and remain by their side even after marriage. That was her one wish that she doubted any man can give her.

Saliha reviewed the questions thoroughly and sauntered towards her mother's room. She stared at the door with apprehension, and with a sweaty hand, creaked it open.

Maria, who had been lying in bed while scrolling through her phone, perked up her head and glanced at her daughter.

"Yes, Saliha?" she asked in a concerned manner.

Saliha released a heavy sigh, shooting her mother a solemn look. It was time to expose her inner thoughts. 


Saliha slept well that night, especially knowing she had talked to her mother about Husain. Maria's advice? It doesn't hurt to ask if he's interested in Saliha.

So that would be what Saliha would do. Today. That is, if she encountered him again.

Saliha's second day was much like her first; she spent most of her time at the reception desk - thankfully undisturbed by rude people - and continued cataloging books after her lunch break. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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