Chapter 6

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Saliha needed to take a break from the kids. She had used up all her energy from the ice cream. She was tired from all the running and felt thirsty. She let the kids know that she was going to take a drink and strolled to her car to get her water bottle. 

No way she would use any of the drinking fountains at the park; she was disgusted how they were all either covered in dirt or gum or were simply broken. She felt appreciative that she always had her water bottle on hand.

As Saliha got in the car, she quickly located her water bottle and brought its opening to her lips. Alhamdulillah. After taking a few more sips, she put her water bottle away and went back to the playground. There, she had only seen Noora and Safiya, chatting with each other while attempting to do pullups on the monkey bars.

"Noora, Safiya", Saliha called out, "where is everyone?"

"Mus'ab is with Ammara over there", Safiya said proudly, using one hand to point to the top of the slide. "He's teaching her how to go down, but she's too scared." 

It had surprised Saliha how much Mus'ab, who was only five years old, cares about his younger cousin - being the only one to spend time with her in a patient and loving manner. 

"We have no idea where the rest of the guys are", Safiya continued.

"They straight up rage quit after you came in, Saliha khala", Noora smirked. "Thanks for playing with us and helping us win!"

"Uh, don't mention it." Saliha strolled passed them and exited the playground. She had a hint of where they would be at this time. 

She made her way across the grassy field and stopped midway to peer over the basketball courts. The distance was just enough to make out, as she had guessed, three little boys who were all watching a group of older men playing a game of basketball.  

Abdullah, Ismael, and Ibrahim were huddled next to the courts, probably waiting for their chance to play alongside the men. Saliha scoured the men closely, and sure enough, spotted the man she had seen yesterday - Husain. 

Husain was really tall, Saliha noticed, and although he was slim, he was muscular. He looked to be no more than a few years older than Saliha. He had short, voluminous, straight hair that bounced up and down every time he made a step. He smiled in confidence and enthusiasm while playing, revealing wrinkles around his black eyes and a dimple on his cheek. These features were remarkably appealing to Saliha. His physical appearance and character made Saliha think him to be handso-.

Saliha's cheeks had flushed red as she realized she had been staring far too long. She lowered her gaze and focused instead on her nephews. The boys looked like they were in good hands - surrounded by a group of men whom all seemed to love kids.

"Oh, hey, Saliha phuppu, I didn't know you were here." 

Ibrahim's voice startled Saliha. Saliha quizzically looked at him, then behind her. How did I...? She didn't recall creeping up towards the courts from the spot she had been, and she never recalled a moment in her life where she walked anywhere unconsciously. 

All three boys looked up to see their aunt right beside them.

"Uh..." Saliha didn't know how to explain herself. She would not, she decided. It was far too embarrassing. A few kids under the age of ten wouldn't understand her anyway. "I... was just looking for you." The boys continued to stare into Saliha's eyes, as if trying to make out whether or not she was telling the truth. It wasn't a lie, though her focus had not been on the boys themselves. She had no choice but to resume. "Besides, basketball is fun."

"You like basketball, Saliha khala?" Abdullah asked, shocked.

"I used to play with my brother." Saliha recalled the time when she would shoot hoops with Zaki in their backyard. Zaki was a professional, and he had lots of practice being in a basketball team. Zaki would score a lot more than Saliha, and although it was frustrating for her, she enjoyed the time they spent together. Zaki had taught Saliha a lot of tricks and interesting ways to make a successful shot. Saliha was always impressed by how nimbly he moved and how he always managed to catch the ball midair after Saliha attempted to shoot. 

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