chapter 1

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" here we go again" Jaechan said as he lazily got up from his bed going to see why his mom called for him. "yes mum" he cleared the tired look on his face and planted a fake smile. "son I need you to take this to aunt Sera's house" she said handing her a basket of what Jaechan guessed to be fruits or just some food stuff. And of course he can't refuse because he's a filial son. He nodded at his mum as he took basket.

Jaechan really hates anything that requires verbal communication. That's why he never leaves the house, and if he does he always has his headphones on, a bucket hat and a mask. That way nobody could talk to him or see his face but he decided not to take them because aunt Sera's house wasn't so far away.

So as he walked towards aunt Sera's house, he practiced his speech multiple times "hi aunt Sera, my mom told me to give you this..." He kept on reciting in his head. He just prayed she'll not go into many things like asking him how he's been and all that kind of stuff. So he rang the bell and stepped back a little bit. The door opened and he quickly put a smile on his face. A forced one of course.

"Hey Jaechan " a lady said in an excited voice. "hi aunt Sera," Jaechan answered. "you've really grown since the last time I saw you " she said as she ruffled the boy's hair. Jaechan just smiled at her painfully. He just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "my mum told me to bring you this" he decided to interrupt her unnecessary blabbing. She took the basket and looked at the contents of it and looked back at Jaechan. "tell her i said thanks" Jaechan nodded and bowed to her before walking away not wanting to look back just incase she called him back again.

Now his hair is ruined. "why did she have to touch it " he said as he tried brush it with his hands. He was so busy caught up in the activity that he didn't notice a bunch of boys sitting in a corner right ahead where he was supposed to pass. "great! just what I need" he said as he rolled his eyes. He really hated this kind of groups and what made it even worse, he didn't have his headphones or phone so he had nothing to use to make him look busy. He internally cursed as he approached the group.

He decided to pretend like he did not see them so he put on a serious face and looked ahead. And of course that didn't go smoothly. He was so nervous that his walking style changed and he almost tripped. He felt like running away from this embarrassment. He knew the group had their eyes on him and he could hear the murmurs as he passed by. After walking away and making sure the group was out of sight, he let out a sigh of relief. "this shit's so embarrassing" he thought to himself as he paced towards his house.

When he got to the house his mum was in the kitchen "mum she said thanks" he shouted as he went up to his room. He just wanted to burry his face in the blanket and forget those embarrassing events.


My first fanfic 🤭
I hope you like it

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