chapter 2

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Well today was just another boring day in Jaechan's life- not so boring though, but he just felt like he needed to talk to someone. Now that's where the problem comes in. He has zero friends. After graduating from highschool he lost contact all his friends and former classmates.

It wasn't really that bad though because he had met someone recently not physically but through his Instagram dms. He didn't even asked them their name yet but he liked talking to that person because he found out they had similar interests. They often talked about music since that's what Jaechan liked the most. There is nothing more relaxing than some good music right. They had the same taste in music so they sometimes exchanged their playlists. He liked how the person never talked about uncomfortable stuff and it made him even wonder how he talks to much.

He took his phone and thought for a couple of seconds before texting.


Luckyly his friend was active at that time so he stared at his phone waiting for a reply.

Hi Jaechan what's up.

He replied after a few seconds.

Nothing I'm just bored. I hope I'm not interrupting you from anything

No I'm free. You can talk to me.

I don't really know what to talk about though
Wait, I just realized I don't even know your real name yet.

Oh right how can i forget.
my name is Park Seoham. And i also just assumed yours is Jaechan from your username. Is it your real name.

Yes it is. It's Park Jaechan.
We have the same surname 🤭.

Cute 😊
I'm 29 and you.

I'm 20.
Can I call you hyung from now on.

Yeah whatever you're comfortable with 👍.

So hyung, we are now officially friends right.
It feels nice to have someone to talk to.

Wait, don't you have like any friends 😧

Yeah, zero.
But that's because I never talk to anyone or try to make friends.

But you are talking to me though

I think that's because I'm not talking to you physically.
And maybe because we have a lot in common.

So if one day we physically meet, you won't talk to me

i don't know. 🙂

😂 It's okay.
But won't you like need a you know girlfriend maybe. A relationship.

About that, I've never really thought about it.
I just think I might not be good at it since I'm not the type to make the first move.
I'm kind of the shy type 🙃

Cute 😊
There's no hurry though relationships can come later once you're ready and comfortable.

What's about you hyung, are you in a relationship?

Currently no
But I had one, we didn't work out so yeah


What 😂

Nothing sorry I chose the wrong emoji 😂
Thank you hyung, it's really fun talking to you.

No problem Jaechan, if you need someone to talk to just text. I'm happy to be your friend too.

Ok bye. till next time 👋


"woah, one hour" Jaechan was shocked after seeing the time he spent texting with Seoham. Jaechan laid on his back and stared at the ceiling he seemed to be in deep thought. "why is it easier to talk to a stranger than to people i know. I can't even believe i said that much. Maybe it's because we have a lot in common." That's what he made himself think before going downstairs to the kitchen. He suddenly felt hungry. Luckyly he found food in the fridge in a container with a note on it "warm before eating" he smiled he put the food in microwave. He liked how sometimes his mum was so protective of him. And since he is his mum's only child and family and his dad is unknown, he swore to always respect and never go against her.


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