Chapter 7

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It was a weekend and Seoham's day off so he didn't have much to do. This time he chose to just stay at home. He thought he'd just relax and catch up on the movies he hasn't watched.

He was just making himself comfortable on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in his hand and a TV remote on the other. When the door bell rang. He rolled his eyes as he put the bowl on the table to go check who it was.

"What is it?" He sighed as he asked the visitor.

"What do you mean what, I'm I not allowed to visit." Yuna asked back. He pushed Seoham to the side and got in.

"Oh... did I interrupt your movie time?"

"As you can see." The other answered plainly.

"Sorry I thought you were free. I needed your help with something but it's okay" she then walked towards the door to leave.

" you with what?" Seoham stopped her. She ran back excited. She knew her friend wouldn't just let her leave like that.

"Do you know Y street?" She pulled out her phone to confirm something.

".....Yeah" he answered.

"Mum left me some things to give to her friend who lives in that street but I don't quite know it very well. So.... I was hoping you could help me, you take me there." Seoham looked at her pleading face. He was used to this kind of thing so he just had no choice but to help his friend out.

"Okay. See you in five." Yuna thanked him and went back to her house to get the said things. Seoham went to change into something else and went to meet Yuna at the entrance.

The two friends walked leisurely as they talked normally.

"Here it is." Seoham looked at the address that was written on paper and pointed at the house with the same address.

"Let's go." Yuna said. The two walked towards the house and Yuna rang the door bell. A woman showed up after a few seconds. The two visitors bowed in unison and greeted her.

"Yes, good morning. Please come in" She invited them in. Seoham wanted to refuse but Yuna beat him to it and happily got in. He had no choice but to follow suit. The lady ushered the two into the living room.

"Do you two need anything, a glass of water? " She politely asked.

"No, we are good." Yuna shook her hands in reply. She then pulled out what she was supposed to give her.

"My mum tol...."

"Mum, where's my grey hoodie?" She was interrupted by someone shouting. The voice seemed to come from upstairs so they all directed their eyes there.

"Found it." He shouted again.

"Sorry, that's my son, he can be loud sometimes." Jaechan's mum apologized for the interruption.

"It's okay." Yuna laughed. "My mum told me to give you this." She handed the things over. Jaechan's mum looked at the things given to her and looked back at her.

"Wait, you are soojin's daughter? Kids this days really grow up faster don't they." Yuna just nodded awkwardly.

As they were busy talking someone suddenly came running.

"Yah, I told you not to run on the stairs." Jaechan's mum said.

"I need to show you something." He had his eyes glued to the phone as he walked towards his mum.

"The resul...." He froze when he looked up. He met Seoham's eyes which were looking at him with shock evident in them. Yuna was lost. She wondered why these two were starting at each other like that. She snapped her fingers Infront of Seoham's face which brought the latter back to his senses.

"Do you know him?" She whispered.

"That's Jaechan." He whispered back.

Jaechan was shocked as well. Who would have thought they were going to meet this soon. What was more shocking is that he found himself staring at Seoham for a long time —he was so handsome in real life. He has only seen him in photos and he sure likes what he is seeing here right now. He wondered if he should talk to him but he was a little shy.

Yuna and Seoham were now done with what brought them there and were leaving. Yuna said her goodbyes and walked towards the door but Seoham was a bit relactant to walk he kept looking back at Jaechan.

Jaechan's mum noticed and looked at Jaechan and back at Seoham. She chuckled slightly and cleared her throat.

"Son, why don't you walked the visitors out." She said. Jaechan wanted to protest but her mum had already pushed him to the door. She waved her hand at them and closed the door. Jaechan turned awkwardly and bowed to the two greeting them.

Yuna smiled at him brightly and shook his hand.

"My name is Yuna and you"

"Jaechan, Park Jaechan." He answered shyly. Yuna cooed at his cuteness and ruffled his hair. Seoham just watched his best friend disturb the little guy. He was struggling so hard to smile as Yuna talked to him. Seoham looked away with a smile on his face.

"So, are we friends now?" Yuna asked and the younger one nodded. Suddenly Yuna's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and seemed to remember something.

"I'm doomed." She said before running away leaving Seoham and Jaechan rather shocked. The two looked at each other and laughed.

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