Chapter 6

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Seoham has been staring at his phone for
the past thirty minutes. Whenever a notification popped up he would get startled and quickly check it. Yuna gave him a concerned look every time he did that.

"Yah, dude is everything ok?" She said while pulling out a chair to sit. Seoham let out a heavy sighed as he leaned back on his sit.

"it's nothing serious " he tried to shrug it off but Yuna was not getting fooled. She knows him very well and she's smart enough to know her friend is lying.

"Let me guess. Girl problems" she wiggled her eyebrows at that. Seoham slightly scoffed at his friend's words and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I wish."

"Then what, you've made me even more curious." She continuously shook Seoham as she whined wanting to know what he's hiding.

"Okay, okay. I give up. I'll tell you. He raised his hands up to surrender to make her stop.

"It's about.... Jaechan." He finally said . Yuna squinted her eyes as if trying to remember who that was.

"Oh, your IG friend," she seemed to suddenly remember. " What about him?"

He was reluctant but he chose to say it anyway. "I know he might be busy with something but... it's been three weeks since he last texted me."

"Then have you tried texting him?" Yuna asked. The latter lowered his head a Yuna knew that he didn't call him. She then snatched seoham's phone and ran with it. She quickly quickly opened the contact list and pressed on Jaechan's name. By the time Seoham reached for his phone, Jaechan had already answered so he couldn't just hang up.

“H…hi Jaechan." He stuttered. Yuna was beside him trying to hold in her laugh.

“Hi hyung." His voice was a little trembly. There was silence for a couple of seconds. Seoham didn't know what say he kept on glancing at his friend asking for help. Yuna just shrugged his shoulder and left him to deal with his own problems.

“hello? Hyung are you still there." That brought Seoham back to reality.

“Oh, yes I…how are you doing these days?" He decided to ask the common questions.

“ I'm fine there's nothing new." He plainly replied. Seoham already knew how much Jaechan hates phone calls so he wanted to end the call as soon as possible.

“That's good then. I just wanted to hear your voice. Bye.

“....bye… hyung." He then hang up.

Jaechan was left staring at his phone blankly after the call. “i just wanted to hear your voice." That sentence kept recurring in his mind. What did he mean by that? He was so lost in thought he didn't hear his mom coming in.

“Son. Is everything alright?" She asked as she placed a bowl of fruits on the table.

“Is it something I can help you with?" She patted his head.

“ it's nothing serious." He put a smile on his face and moved closer to the fruits. “thanks for the fruits." She smiled at him and walked out of his room. Once she left the smile on Jaechan face faded.

This type of feeling was so unfamiliar to him so he shrugged the thought and continued to munch on his fruits.

On the other hand Yuna was completely dying of laughter. Seoham had his head between his hands as he just noticed what he had said to Jaechan. He didn't mean to say it —his tongue slipped. His mind moved faster than his mouth.

“Dude you really exposed yourself." Yuna said. Seoham felt so defeated he didn't want to listen to his friends teasing. He just stood and walked away.

“Hey. Where are you going? Our shift is not over yet." Yuna stopped laughing and shouted.

“Cover for me." He said without even looking back. Yuna just sighed and got back to work. ‘Maybe I teased him too much.’ she thought.

Seoham decided to go on a Walk to organize his thoughts. He actually didn't even know why he said that. Of course he has dated once and he said those words countless times but why is he bothered with it this time? Though he can't deny the slight wave of happiness he felt when he heard the younger's voice. This was actually the first time he heard his voice.

He walked to the pack and sat at a vacant bench he saw. There were a lot of people in the park since it was in the evening. Kids playing here and there, couples walking hand in hand, people with their pets and many others. He chose to just relax and not think about it anymore.

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