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Seoham and Jaechan found themselves sharing a genuine laugh, breaking the initial awkwardness. As they continued chatting, Seoham learned more about Jaechan's hobbies and school life. It turned out they had a lot in common, sparking an unexpected connection.

Days turned into weeks, and the casual friendship between Seoham, Yuna, and Jaechan evolved. They spent weekends exploring the city, trying new cafes, and even having movie nights together. Seoham couldn't help but notice Jaechan's shy smiles and the subtle glances they exchanged.

As time passed, Seoham realized that his heart raced a bit faster whenever Jaechan was around. The once platonic friendship was taking a turn, leaving Seoham questioning his feelings. On the other hand, Jaechan, too, found himself drawn to Seoham's charisma and kindness.

One evening, under the colorful hues of a setting sun, they found themselves alone in a quiet park. Yuna, seemingly aware of the growing connection, had tactfully excused herself. Seoham and Jaechan sat on a bench, the atmosphere charged with unspoken emotions.

Breaking the silence, Jaechan nervously spoke, "Seoham, can I tell you something?"

Seoham nodded, intrigued.

"I... I really like spending time with you. More than just as friends," Jaechan admitted, his cheeks turning a subtle shade of pink.

Seoham's heart skipped a beat, realizing that his own feelings mirrored Jaechan's. A warm smile crept onto Seoham's face as he replied, "I feel the same way, Jaechan."

Seoham, touched by Jaechan's confession, leaned in for a gentle kiss. However, in the midst of their tender moment, Jaechan's nervousness got the best of him. He shifted slightly, and their lips met in a somewhat awkward but endearing collision.

Seoham couldn't help but smile against Jaechan's lips, finding the unexpected clumsiness charming. As they pulled away, Seoham chuckled softly, "First kiss?"

Jaechan's eyes widened, his face turning a shade redder than before. He stammered, "Uh, well... maybe."

Seoham's smile widened as he teasingly asked, "Maybe? You're adorable, Jaechan."

Embarrassed, Jaechan fidgeted with his fingers. "I-I just got a bit nervous, that's all."

Seoham gently cupped Jaechan's face, tilting it up to meet his gaze. "No need to be nervous. I'm honored to be your first kiss."

Jaechan mumbled a shy thank you, his embarrassment fading into a bashful smile.

As they sat in the park, Seoham could sense Jaechan's mix of excitement and nervousness. Wanting to reassure him, Seoham gently took Jaechan's hands in his and looked into his eyes.

"Jaechan, I want us to take things at a pace you're comfortable with. No rush, okay?" Seoham said, his tone filled with sincerity.

Jaechan's eyes softened, grateful for Seoham's understanding. "Thank you, Seoham. I appreciate that."

Seoham smiled warmly, "I really like you, Jaechan, and I want us to enjoy every moment without any pressure. Let's let things unfold naturally."

Jaechan nodded, feeling a sense of relief. The promise to take it slow created a comforting foundation for their budding relationship. From that day on, Seoham and Jaechan navigated the journey of love with patience, savoring each shared moment and discovering the beauty of building a connection at their own pace.

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