Chapter 17: Welcome Memories

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Sandra sat in Wheeljack's driver seat, staring at the building ahead of them with indecision.

"I'm sure it can't be that bad." Wheeljack said.

Sandra patted the seat and slouched. "You don't know my parents. They're way to nice for me."

"Nobody is too nice for you." Wheeljack assured her.

"I was supposed to protect them, support them, but I blew Kayne Tech. Without the company, we're completely broke. My parents won't understand. They don't have the ability to learn and form new memories." Sandra explained softly. "I ruined them."

"You gave them the world." Wheeljack told her. "It's not like you could have held the world forever."

A group of military people came walking out, eyes on Wheeljack. Agent Fowler was among them.

Sandra sighed. "See you later, Wheeljack."

The Autobots opened his door and Agent Fowler kneeled down to look at her.

He smiled. "Sandra. It's been some time."

"You'll have wished it was longer." She muttered, grabbing his extended hand.

The agent pulled her out, quite literally taking all of the girl's weight before he set her in the wheelchair they'd brought.

Sandra waved to Wheeljack as he started to back away and the Autobots honked before returning to base.

"Thank you for keeping this quiet." Sandra told him.

"Anytime." The agent replied quietly.

"We're glad to help, Ms. Kayne." General Bryce informed her, holding out his hand. "If there is anything else you need, feel free to ask. We are very grateful for your sacrifice in taking down MECH."

Sandra nodded and shook his hand firmly, using her business voice."Of course, General."

"If this all wasn't top secret, we'd be putting up a picture of you in the Hall of Honor for your numerous contributions to our nation." He told her.

"I'm honored that you even thought of it." Sandra faced forward again, trying to avoid the stares she was getting from other operatives around the base.

The General stopped in front of a set of doors. "Ms. Kayne, I hope that now that your company is gone, you are willing to work more closely with us? We would appreciate your help in a great number of projects."

Sandra scowled. "I don't build weapons."

"Your glasses have the capability to hack into almost any device on the planet." He stated.

"I came here to see my parents, General Bryce. Not talk business. If you want to lose an argument that bad, you can schedule a meeting. Let Fowler know." Sandra told him.

The man seemed a little surprised, but he opened the door and stepped to the side.

Fowler pushed Sandra inside, where they were finally alone. "If you ever talk to my boss like that again, don't put my name in your mouth."

Sandra rolled her eyes. "If I ever ask you to see my parents, and you don't tell me that a high ranking official is going to be there, I'll make you look a lot worse than that."

The man signed and went up to another door before stopping.

"You ready?" He asked.

Sandra nodded.

Fowler knocked on the door and waited a moment.

"They told me not to be normal around your parents because of some mental problem." Fowler stated. "What exactly did they mean?"

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