Part 9

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Little time skip ⏭ 

Things quieted down for the last few weeks. You hadn't seen Mikey or Akira since the incident, and you were pretty pleased because you didn't have to put up with their shit recently.

Today, you took the twins to the park for fresh air. So you got a twin stroller and headed to the local park a block from your apartment.

When you got there, however, you saw a familiar face.

'I can't catch a break,' you thought as you saw Akira with her baby. Silently dreading what would happen next, Akira saw you and instantly approached where you were.

"Y/n, how have you been?" she said happily, forcing a hug.

'How can someone be such a good actor?' you thought as you glared at her.

"Leave me alone," you said, preparing to walk away.

But you felt her grab your stroller, stopping you. You spun around, causing her to stumble back a step. "What's your problem?" you said, frustrated.

Her smile turned sinister as she began to speak. " my problem?" you looked at her confused.

'What did I even do?' you thought as you got more upset

"Why did you have to be with Mikey first, you ugly rat. He was meant to be with me, and now I can't even get rid of you because of them,' she yelled as she pointed at your babies.

"We broke up; oh my god, are you so fucken obsessed with him that you keep on having to ruin my life just to make you feel better about yourself. You used to be my friend Akira. I trusted you. What do you do? You stabbed me in the back like the snake you are," you said

Akira turned red In the face as she raised her hand, ready to slap you. As you closed your eyes to get ready for the hit, it never came, but instead, when you opened your eyes, you were met with purple eyes looking at you.

Authors notes 📝 

I'm Back 😘😘😘

This chapter had Drama. Let me know who you think this person is 😚

Baby mommy 😶‍🌫️ Manjiro sano x reader Where stories live. Discover now