Chapter 01

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// Candolim street, Goa. // 

September 14,20xx; 11:09 a.m. 

A cloudy overcast filled the skies. Atmosphere as quiet and peaceful ;with streets full of a little less crowd than usual. People minding their own business; oh! what a busy life. Amongst the crowd made his way the young brunette, with a casual outfit and a messenger bag hanging on his side. A diary in his left hand and an iced coffee in the other. Vibing to the soft beats of the song, he moved down the road. 

The sun peeking through the clouds made contact with his face. The brunette looked up. A beautiful smile making it's way to his medium toned features. The honey-brown eyes going crescent. The cloudy days always had his heart if said. Admiring the sight in view for a little bit longer, he proceeded.  He entered the flower shop, the ringing bell announcing his presence. "Well hello my boy!", the florist chortled. The scene showed how the florist and the boy was well acquainted. It was to mention how the florist and his father were good friends. That was why the boy was familiar to the store too. 

"Oh I'm all good uncle. Father would've visited sooner than I did , I guess ?"

Amused, The florist replied, "He sure did." He made his way to the bucket of red roses as if it was a standard behaviour of his. Taking his time he packed a bunch of fresh flowers into a decent bouquet and handed it over to the boy. Goodbyes were exchanged and the brunette reached his destination. The Bosio Hospital. It was years back when his aunt got admitted here. The said lady encountered an accident and was severely injured. The pressure on the head and  a miscarriage followed resulted her body to go into the coma. The cause wasn't clear but the inquiring doctors claimed it was because of a sudden stroke in the head as to why the patient is unwilling to wake up. Several times the doctor advised to artificially let go of the said lady and in each happening her husband denied. Well, the denial sure came with good blessings and yesterday afternoon she woke up from a 14 year long coma. The visiting hours starts at one in the afternoon till four in the evening, then six to eight at night. Admitted in the private section of the hospital, the floor dealt with patients who are there since long, in addition to which the rules and regulations were different. 

The brunette was going to graduate in  psychology degree and It was his project analysis to do survey with people in any relative emotion such as fear, sadness, love..etc. The boy picked love. He decided to do a little survey with other patients before the staff allowed the visitors. And so he started the beginning of his survey in the presented floor. Unlike the private floor, the main floor was sure chaotic. Patients and normal public present there. Toddlers crying, kids running here and there, some elders sitting quietly not minding the hustle. And there he started.

"What the word 'love' meant to you when you didn't even knew what it is or experienced it ?"

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