Chapter 02

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" What the word 'love' meant to you when you didn't even knew what it was or experienced it ? "

" Love is nothing but a waste of emotions. If the other person is as responsive then it's a blessing, though most of the time it's a curse. A twisted one that is. "

"Love is like a soft breeze cooling your skin as it passes by. "

" Love is........ Football....?? ......uhh couples?? "

" Love is what I don't wanna experience anymore. "

" Love is what I felt for him and I couldn't cage more of it. "

" Love is -", The brunette was interrupted by the call of the nurse. She informed that his aunt was now awake and is free for the visitors. It came into picture how the patient is facing problems in recalling past incidents which was a side effect of being in coma for too long. He was also informed that he should not worry as it is nothing much than temporary amnesia.


Waking up after 14 years seems unbelievable. I would've laughed it of like it was some prank but the seriousness of the present moment didn't let me do it. My parents visited yesterday and I'm still shuddered about the fact how my younger is now in his teen. Scarcely credible, when I had a fine chat online with my friend's son. There I got to know how I'm still hazy about a lot of memories. For instance, I was not able to recollect the memories how my friend died twenty years back. I know for the fact that she's no more but wasn't able to put the pieces together until today's morning. Now that I recall yesterday's conversation...

" Hey dear. "

" Dear? I'm sorry but who's this? "

" Aunty I'm Imay. "

" Oh her son!! How are you love? And how's that dumb father of yours? "

" Father is strict as always. I was thinking of visiting you but father got a sudden shift at work. "

" No worries love. I'll meet you soon. "

"Sure aunty. Let's meet soon. <3 "

Drowned in my thoughts, I'm thinking how I missed the chance to live these fourteen years. How I'm now incapable of feeling any emotion towards my unborn child. I'm sure a bad mother.

"May I come in, mam? "

A young boy in his twenties showed up at my ward. Soft features reminiscent to someone I know but couldn't point out who. He enquired if I was free to answer his survey and seemingly it was much more exciting than this boredom. I said yes.

He made himself comfortable near me . Pulling the side stool, dropping his bag ; He offered me a bouquet of roses . Fresh rose scent filled up my nostrils. A tag gained my attention. Roses rouges pour une jolie dame avec un joli sourire. My jade black gaze stare in his chestnut one's for answers. What in the world was written here? He held my hand, oh so delicately, kissing the back of it, he answered with a soft tune: red roses for a pretty lady with a pretty smile. I was amazed by the lad. Too much emotions in one moment surely is awkward. I gestured him to continue his survey and he started opening his diary. He asked for my name to which I replied, Dhriti. He started his survey with the most simple yet most difficult question,

" who was the idolised couple of your life? The one who's love story is what you can never forget? The one who's close to your heart. "

Chats of last night striked my mind. " How was there love story aunty? My father never actually tells me how my mother was. Every time he just go all poetic and I'm not in the mood of that you know." ;" Because that's what describes her the best. The poetry. " That's what Imay said to me and what I answered. Unknowingly the name slipped my tongue,


Atasi was the one who fell in love first. She was a pretty maiden carrying the sweet aura around. Poetries and books describes her the most. White Lilies is what goes along with her name. She used to carry it with her a lot. Autumn roads are her reminiscence. "When I leave your side, please remember me with each dried autumn leave touching your face, that's what she used to say. A beauty with brown locks and hooded eyes. Slender long fingers and a tipsy smile. She waited so long to meet her lover again but not all one sided loves reciprocate.

High school to the end of her degree, she waited eight years long. At last, when she left the town was when she lost all hopes. All what she left behind was the bouquet of white lilies and several handwritten letters on his doorstep. This time the flowers no longer portrayed the meaning of purity and commitment but rather sympathy.

And this was the turning point. Yuvan chased for her. He didn't once thought of 'What if she doesn't want me anymore?' but of, 'What will happen to my love if my soul is gone? What will happen to me if I'll not see you anymore?? '







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