Chapter 04

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Mashobra, Shimla. 

October 17,20xx. 


Three months passed by in a drift. The first two months were unyielding. I used to cry a lot. Every little thing made me homesick. The small company I used to work for paid me enough for a living. My career was showing an upper graph. I used to miss my mother a lot. I used to cry when I spoil some recipe. I used to cry when it rained. I used to chock on my tears when writing a romantic script. I used to miss him. A lot. Slowly, I accepted the new lifestyle. I started capturing those beautiful sunsets again. I started dancing in the rains. I started feeling alive. Again.  

It was one of those rainy days where I was completely drenched, was when I saw him. After running away from the reality all these months; he was here on my door. I couldn't run away anymore. I knew it too. Past month he messaged me a lot. A lot of calls remained unattended. Most of the time , intentionally. 

Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum. 

My heart throbbed. So much that I was almost sure he'll listen my palpitations.  



She was standing before me. As delicate and fragile as she can be. Shivering lightly; drenched in the rain. Her eyes were pouring out different emotions. Her each uneven breath screaming yet muted. It was as if she wanted to ask why but stayed still. She wanted to ask many things but not a single greeting was on the way. 

Securing the distance, I embraced her shivering frame. Two hesitant hands made their way clutching me. That was the minute her figure gave up. we both stayed on the ground for a long time. The whole time we grasped onto each other, she whimpered. 

The minute she composed her physique, few words came in contact with my ears. 

"I don't know why you are here. Neither I'm interested in the reason. But, the time you're here, don't forget your boundaries. Limit your motives because I'm least contended to be seen with you. Enjoy your stay here and see me as visible as the winds."

It was a thirty five minute long road from our residence to the hotel I worked in. I tried to appeal Atasi by those sweet on-the-bed breakfasts and it failed. For a week, I encountered unexpected taunts. This lady was brutal. I was so close in believing that she'll not love me. Nevertheless, I kept trying. If breakfast can't win her heart then so it be the things she love. And so another week went by in pleasing her with my acts. The plan drastically failed. Again. Her favourite cuisines served as my dinner later on. Love novels remained inact. Scented candles thawed. Her favourite lilies withered. A month passed away like this. The house stood there with two people residing in, but, it wasn't lively. 

December 24,20xx. 

It was a busy day. Christmas holidays served as the hotel's monetary scale. Two days since I saw her last. Busy shifts meant overworking hours. I don't know if she's happy in my absence but I dreaded the time where she's away from me. In between the journey of chasing her, I fell hard. I didn't even noticed when I became so so lovesick to even escape her thoughts. It was just months back, I suddenly was so engrossed in the ideas of how she'll love me. 

I was managing an order when my colleague gave me a lunch box. My eyebrow raised in question. He answered that it was for me and was delivered an hour ago. I wasn't sure of who can deliver it so resting my thoughts, I paid no heed to the box.

Four at the evening, I finished my shift. Making my way out, my gaze fell on the box still on the table. I took it with me.

Reaching the house, I met an eerie silence. The lights were off. Her room was closed too. I panicked. Gulping down a glass, I sat on my bed. The familiar looking box yet again captured my attention. I opened it and a note fell. The food was now cold. Placing the box in the microwave, I started reading the note. A smile crept on my face. It was her.

" I'll be out for a week or so. A sudden event took place and the team want me to take the lead. I'm making this food as an apology. Take care.
— Atasi. "

I was happy that she was finally accepting me. Maybe she felt bad for ignoring me in the past. My sweet lily. I went to my room in a jovial mood. My happiness was on the seventh cloud. Opening up the closet to change into normal clothes, I found a bulked up clothing in the corner. Taking it out, it was my plaid shirt; burned badly from a side.

The dots connected. Atasi apologized for the clothing. This brat—

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