The Beginning

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(This is a sort of part 2 of Personal Freedom.)

Some things about me that I feel you should know.

1. I am female. And very proud of it. Women are of course one of the most beautiful and mysterious creatures on the planet, and in having the things that we do (every woman has these 'things' that are nameless and known) makes us who we are.

2. I am a polyamorous female. Which, I do have my days (or weeks) when its not easy having multiple partners, but I know what I want all the same. Though, sometimes its not clear to me till long after a traumatic event.

3. I am also pansexual. I know for sure that this is who I am. This is the sexuality I was born with, as I believe with everyone. I accept all members of the LGBTQA community and those who are straight as well. I guess thats the funny part about it. Most pansexuals I have meet so far do not seem like the judging types and of course laugh at the meems made about them. "WE LOVE EVERYONE"(I am such a stereotypical pan).

4. Again, I am not a very judgmental person, and there are of course some who will disagree with me. I am very honest and sometimes very brutal in my honesty, which I believe contributes in my writing. Personally, I feel the those who are judged, profiled, rejected learn over time how to eject those traits.

5. My personality is a bit eclectic. I've picked up things over the years on how to be my own person and in the words of my father "let my freak flag fly" I have accepted that I am different and that others are different. I have accepted that I am a complete weirdo and that others are complete weirdos. Thats what makes me ME. Now, its hard being different. Expecially when there are so many things in this world that shout "SAME!!". I still have trouble with being different just like everyone else, but I know that I wouldn't enjoy being anyone other than me.

6. I am a person who suffers from depression. My personal life is very full and not easy in the least, but I try my hardest to get through the day. Writing and reading gets me through the day. Writing this is so incredibly therapeutic.

7. I am a poet (and a horrible speller. Even with spellcheck and auto correct. Seriously, I am so sorry. Its really bad) I met poetry when I was 10 years old and have been in a committed relationship ever since then. At the moment I am very into spoken word. It just breathes life into my soul all of the time. (Favorite spoken word artist at the moment is DESIREE' DALLAGIACOMO. Look her up on YouTube, instagram, everything because she speaks to me on another leval! Sorry, serious lady crush)

8. I love questions. I love thinking indepth about things and writing them all out. My head sometimes is so full with thousands of thoughts and dreams and questions that I just can't stand it. I love it when we get a conversation started. It just reves me up. Gives me inspiration to do more. I love conversation.

9. I'm super crafty, but a lot of times I have no idea what I'm doing. I paint (not very well), I draw, sew, crochet, cook. Everything anything. I love trying new things.

10. I'm writing this memoir, blog, self-help, information THING because I figured "what the hell? Couldn't hurt right?" Who knows maybe it will, but I need to do it. I need to expelle all of whats in my head.

10.3. I'm a curly haired weirdo!!!!!

If there are any questions please don't hesitate to ask. I need topics and discussion!
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