Part 7: It's no more

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Helloo my beautiful people..guess what I'm back with a new update..just before my exams😬😁So without anymore blabbering let's jump in✨

Author's pov:

Preethi was so happy, surprised, shocked and excited seeing her fav person walking towards her sweetly..just like a dream come true moment for any fangirl. But then she was so confused looking at another man coming towards her.He looked deeply into her eyes smilingly when he reached her, Preethi also gave back a small smile because she was not happy of the fact that he distracted her fangirl moment.

"Hii" he said with a smile

"Hi" she replied in a low tone

" you remember me?"

She thought for a while.."I have seen you...are you?...Ar.."

"Yup! Arjun all the way from U.S...just for you" he said winking.

Preethi looked at him with a suspicious look..and that's when he  extended a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
She smiled and received it from him and then started searching for someone.. at least Anirudh... literally it was so dark that only Arjun was visible in the spotlight.

Her eyes roamed here and there looking for Veera but then she  suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder she looked up and saw Arjun standing with an evil smirk..he slowly placed the other hand on her shoulder..she looked at him angrily and was about to slap him that's when...

Veera's pov:

I was shocked when I realised....It was him..I know him..i definitely do!! But i can't remember where..i saw he had a bouquet of flowers in hands behind him..He was talking with Preethi and gave her those flowers which she accepted..i didn't know what to do I looked at my bouquet and just stood there all empty

That's when I noticed Preethi was feeling uncomfortable and was looking here and there..He placed her hands on her shoulder..her eyes widened when he placed the other hand now i was not able to see her I decided to go but then...

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