1. Boring city life.

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Y/N: Millie! Duck!

She does and you fire a round over her into a human that was coming up from behind her.

Millie: Thanks Y/N! Appreciate ya!

She runs off with an axe to go kill some more people. You sigh as you coldly shoot someone.

Y/N: Ya know, sometimes I feel like moving to the city was a bad idea.

You take a seat next to the person you just shot.

Y/N: Sure life on the farm wasn't all explosions and ass kicking. But it had it's charm.

The human just coughs up some blood in response. You sigh again and put a bullet in it's head.

Y/N: What a fucking awful conversationalist.

Blitzo: Hey Y/N! Come give daddy a hand real quick!

You look over to Blitzo, your boss, and see him getting surrounded. You shake your head as you run over to him.

Y/N: PLEASE stop calling yourself that Blitzo. (you throw a knife into  the back of a humans head). Having to deal with these fuckin creeps already sucks. Don't make it worse.

Blitzo: Oh lighten up asshole. Try and have some fun with your job for once.

Those words make you freeze. Fun? At work? You'd never really considered that before. You don't mind killing mortals for cash. It's just not what you'd consider a good time. When you think of work you enjoyed you think back to your childhood.

Being on a farm in the wrath ring. The warm dry air and red sky. You never realized how much you missed it. You finish clearing the room up and approach Blitzo.

Y/N: So, Blitzo. I'm thinking I need a break. Some time to go home.

Blitzo: Oh yeah? How long?

Y/N: Not sure honestly. I just need some time to breath. Figure out what I actually want to do. Maybe go work on a farm again.

Millie: Oh! My parents have a ranch that they need help with! I'll give em a call!

Y/N: Thanks Millie, you're the best.

Blitzo: Well it's gonna suck balls losing am ass kicker like you. But if it's what you want, go for it.

Y/N: Thanks Blitzo. I thought you'd be pissed.

Blitzo: Nah, I still have Millie. She's good enough to make up for anyone.

You nod in response.

Millie: Good news! They said they could use a farm hand!

Y/N: Great! Honestly, I'll probably head out tomorrow!

Blitzo: That means we gotta go get fuckin hammered tonight then!

Y/N: Hell yeah!

All of a sudden your waking up in your bed. Your head is throbbing, and you have no memory of last night. You went out for drinks with your friends, so it must've been a good night.

You sit up and look around your room. It's pretty empty, you never took an interest in decorating it. You slowly get to your feet and walk to your bathroom sink.

You splash some cold water on your face. You dry off and go start packing your clothes. You've decided to leave your other stuff behind. Too much hassle to move it.

You take one last look at your shitty little apartment. You take a deep breath and step outside. After calling a cab you take a seat on the stairs. The city is loud and annoying, as always. You won't miss the anything about it here. You pull out a cigarette and relax. 

After about 15 minutes the cab shows up.

Driver: Hurry the fuck up. This is a long drive and I ain't got all day.

Y/N: Yeah yeah, I'm movin. 

You put your bags into the trunk and climb into the car. 

Driver:  Payment up front, or get the fuck out.

You sigh and pull your wallet out. You hand him the money and lean back. The ride will probably take about 2 hours. Not too bad all things considered. You put some headphones in and zone out. You feel a little tired still, so you set an alarm for about when you should arrive and fall asleep.

---roughly 2 hours later---

Your alarm goes off, making you wince. You turn it off and stretch in your seat. Taking a look out the window you see vast open fields of dirt. You feel like you must almost be there. 

Y/N: Any idea how much longer?

Driver: Look for yourself.

You look out the front window and see it in the distance. The Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch. You get excited as the smell of manure fills your nose. The car pulls up to the house and you immediately step out. You pull your bags out of the trunk and the driver peels away.

You walk up to the front door and knock. A tall imposing Imp opens the door. Average height, broad shoulders, white hair, moustache, and built like a tank. 

Y/N: Millie's dad, I assume? Names Y/N.

You extend a hand. He looks at it and eyes you up and down. He erupts in laughter and shakes your hand.

Joe: Names Joe! Glad to have ya kid. My Millie vouched for ya, so you must be pretty capable. Come on in and meet my wife. Not sure if any of the youngins are around. 

You walk into the house, heading to the living room. 

Joe: Hey Lin! This here's Y/N, the new farmhand Millie found us.

Lin: Hey hun, I'm Lin. Nice to meet you.

Y/N: Pleasure ma'am.

Out of the corner of your eye you see a taller girl. She has very short shorts, a black crop top, torn black leggings, and white boots. Her black hair is in a ponytail and a scar over her right eye. She's wildly attractive.

Joe: Sallie Mae! Come say hi to the new help.

Sallie eyes you up and down. She crosses her arms.

Sallie: Howdy city boy. You sure you're cut out for this?

Y/N: City boy? I'm from the wrath ring. Born and raised. Even grew up on a farm, so I'm no stranger to the work.

Sallie: We'll see about that. Anybody could say all that. Good luck, city boy.

She walks away, giving you a glance over her shoulder. Is she flirting with you already? Your eyes drift down her curves to her ass. Her hips move side to side, almost like she's taunting you.

Joe laughs and gives you a big slap on your back.

Joe: She's a real firecracker aint she? I'm sure she'll warm up to ya. Now then, let's get yer room all squared away.

Life certainly seems like it'll be interesting here.  You can't wait to start getting to work!

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