2. Bright and early

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You're laying in bed, it's still dark outside. You roll over to look at your clock. It's currently 5 am, which makes you groan. It's probably best to get an early start, so you get dressed and head downstairs to make some breakfast. As you arrive in the kitchen, you see Sallie Mae sitting at the table.

Sallie: I'm shocked you're up this early city boy.

Y/N: I don't have the energy to deal with you right now. Please just be quiet, you're a lot prettier when you don't speak.

She goes to respond but stops. You go over to the coffee pot and pour yourself a cup. You sit at the table a couple seats from Sallie. You look over at her and notice she's blushing.

Y/N: You uh, alright there Sallie Mae?

Sallie: I-I'm fine, city boy. So mind yer damn business. 

Y/N: Did me calling you pretty really mess you up that bad? There's no way you don't hear that often.

Sallie turns even more red and she slams her hands onto the table.

Sallie: UGH shut up already! You better not slow us down today city boy.

She storms off leaving you alone. You pull your phone out to send Millie a text.

"What the fuck Millie. You didn't tell me you had a hot sister."

"You never asked. Wait, does that mean you're interested in her??"

"Eh, idk about that M. She's hot, don't get me wrong. But her attitude is something else."

"That's just how she is. Give her time, I'm sure she'll grow on ya."

"Maybe. I gotta head out, time to start workin. Tell everyone I said hi!"

"Of course! Later Y/N!"

you put your phone in your pocket and down the rest of your coffee. You go back to the kitchen to wash your glass and see Joe.

Y/N: Mornin Joe. You ready to kick todays ass?

Joe: Ha! I was gonna ask you the same thing. Glad to see ya ready to go. Follow me.

The morning is nice and cool. Perfect to do heavy lifting and manual labor. Most of your job is just making sure animals are fed and moving supplies around. As the sun rises the heat increases dramatically. You wipe some sweat off your forehead and decide to take your shirt off to cool down. 

You go to pick up a crate and bump into Sallie Mae.

Y/N: Sorry Sallie, didn't see ya there.

Sallie: Whatever city boy. Just...watch..where you're going.

You raise an eyebrow wondering why she trailed off for a moment. That's when you notice her staring at your shirtless body.

Y/N: See something you like ma'am?

Sallie: Nope. Now quit slackin and get back to work.

She quickly leaves the barn. There's no way she isn't into you. Her speech and body language are so obvious. You just shake your head and get back to work. After another couple hours, you've finished everything for the day.

Joe: Alright Y/N, rest of the day is yours. Good job today, I think you're gonna fit in real well here.

Y/N: Thanks Joe, I appreciate the vote of confidence. I got one last thing to do then I'll be out of your hair.

You go back into the barn and put a box away that you were using earlier. As you put it back to where you got it, the door to the room closes. You turn to see Sallie Mae, leaning against the door.

Sallie: You're gonna stand there and be quiet, city boy.

You nod.

Sallie: Good boy. So I'll admit, you're hot. You've got a great body and surprisingly, you're pretty strong. So, how about we enter into a "mutually beneficial" arrangement?

You give her a confused look.

Sallie: Kinda slow huh? I'm sayin we should fuck, no strings attached. No relationship, no feelings, just because we're both horny and into each other.

You immediately nod. How in the fuck could you possibly pass up that deal?

Sallie: I thought as much.

Sallie Mae walks up to you and bites your neck while placing a hand on your crotch. It catches you off guard and you lightly moan.

Y/N: fuck~

Sallie Mae laughs a little and looks you in the eyes.

Sallie: Oh I'm lookin forward to this. Catch ya later, city boy.

Just like that Sallie Mae turns and leaves the room. Leaving you alone and extremely turned on. It seems like this job will have some unexpected perks. You head inside the house to take a shower and unwind from your first day of work.

Unexpected RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang