4. A truth

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It's 6:30 pm and you're sitting on the porch with a beer. It's strangely peaceful out here. You've been in the city for so long now that you forgot what silence is. You take a sip of your beer and close your eyes.

While you enjoy the evening you see a car pull up.  It stops suddenly as a person gets ejected. You get up and walk over to see who it is. To your shock, it's Sallie Mae. She's shaken up and has some bruises.

Y/N: Fucking hell, who did this to you? 

Sallie: I'm fine, don't worry about it. 

She stands up and starts walking to the house. You shake your head and walk up to her. You carefully pick her up bridal style. She gasps slightly and looks up at you. Her face is bright red.

Sallie: I-I can walk just fine.

Y/N: Shut up. Someone obviously attacked you. I'm guessing whoever did had someone dump you here. 

Sallie: Why do you even care?

Y/N: What a wildly dumb question. I don't want to see you hurt. Simple as that.

She says nothing and leans her head onto your arm. You walk in through the front door and head to the living room. You gently lay Sallie Mae down.

Joe: What the Heaven is going on here?

Y/N: Someone attacked her. Any idea where she went? She won't tell me.

Joe: Probably a local bar. She goes there often.

Sallie: Y/N, please don't-

Y/N: Oh don't worry, I'm just gonna go talk to them.

You turn around and pull your phone out and look up nearby bars. You make your way there and immediately see the car she was tossed out of. You walk in and order a drink, listening to nearby imps to find out who to hurt.

There's a group of three downing beers and talking loudly. From listening in on them it sounds like they tried to sleep with her and it went awry.  You've heard enough so you walk over to their table.

Imp 1: Fuck you want?

Y/N: Couldn't help but hear you had some issues with a local farm girl. 

They all look at each other.

Imp 2: Oh, you mean that thing.

Imp 3: Yeah, just a dude on pills.

Imp 2: So we showed it a lesson.

You simply inhale and nod. You grab a bottle from the table and smash it over Imp 1's head. He slumps onto the table as the other two jump up and rush you. Imp 2 hits you in the jaw as Imp 3 hits your stomach.

You stumble back and grab a chair, busting it over Imp 3's head. He falls motionless to the ground. The last Imp throws you back first into the bar counter. You grimace from the pain as the imp begins beating on you. After taking a few hits you throw a punch back. The imp stumbles back and you move forward and kick his chest. 

He falls to the ground as you position yourself over him, raining punches onto his face. Once it stops moving you go over to the bar. You walk up to the bar and leave some money on the counter.

Y/N: Sorry about the chair.

The bartender looks at the chaos an just nods.

Bartender: Those shits had it comin. Joe and his family are good people.

You nod and make your way back to the house. You have some bruises and a busted lip but you're fine overall. It's kind of a shock to hear what they said about Sallie Mae. From your own personal knowledge of Sallie Mae you figure she must be transgender. You're upset she didn't tell you, but you know how people are about trans people.

Especially being in hell, where all of humanities worst end up. You walk back into the house and sit down in the kitchen. Lin walks into the kitchen and gasps at your injuries.

Lin: Shit, are you ok hun? Wait, you didn't...

Y/N: Don't worry about it Lin. I just reminded those boys at the bar the proper way to treat a lady.

Lin sighs and shakes her head.

Lin: I appreciate you lookin out for her. Just be sure to take care of yerself.

You smile and give her a nod. She then looks at something and exits the room. You look confused about why she left so suddenly. 

Sallie: You damn idiot. I told you not to. 

Y/N: Yeah, turns out I have a hard time listening. Those guys were all pricks anyway. Absolutely no idea how to treat a lady.

Sallie: (blushes) Yeah, well thanks. 

Sallie Mae leans in and kisses your cheek. You look at her in shock and put a hand on your cheek.

Sallie: Don't think about it too much. The only thing I like about you is your dick.

Y/N: Ha! Fair enough. But next time, tell me when someone messes with you. 

She nods and walks out of the kitchen. You've decided against asking Sallie Mae about what the guys at the bar were implying. You like how things are with Sallie Mae right now. Besides, it doesn't bother you anyways. 


I just want to point out that you should be open in your relationship. This is just a story and I have plot reasons for Sallie Mae not telling Y/N about being Trans. DON'T START A RELATIONSHIP WITH DISHONESTY. This is coming from a Trans person (mtf if you're curious). Ok that's it. Love ya <3.

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