5. Jealous? (18+)

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You're out tending to some animals, sweating under the sun. You wipe your brow and decide to take your shirt off. You immediately feel so much better. You walk to the barn and grab some feed for the animals. On your way back you see Sallie Mae and some new person talking. 

Y/N: Hey Sallie Mae. Not too sure I've met you yet. Names Y/N.

They stop talking and look at you. You walk past them and back into the animal pen.

Sallie: Hey Y/n. This is Becca. 

Becca: Howdy handsome. So you're the "city boy" Sallie Mae's been talking about. I see why she talks about you so much.

Sallie: (blushes) S-shut up Becca! I do not! I mostly talk about his big-

Y/N: (blushing) Why am I not shocked you told her about that?

Becca: Oh she gave me all the details. Gotta say I'm curious myself~.

Y/N: Maybe you'll find out sometime~.

Becca giggles as Sallie Mae looks almost jealous. 

Becca: Oh my Sallie Mae. Are you two datin?

Sallie: What? No, course not. Yall are free to do whatever.

The look on her face definitely says she's not ok with it. Not that it really matters, since you aren't dating. You can barely stand to even talk to each other. You walk away from them and get back to work. You keep sneaking glances over at the two of them while you work. Sallie Mae really is cute. Her friend is good looking too.

You decide to go take a break. The storage building is nice and cool so that's as good a place as any. 

Sallie: So you really seemed to like mah friend.

You jump a little as you turn to see Sallie Mae leaning against the wall.

Y/N: (exhale) Fuck sake, you scared me. Why are you getting so weird about this? You're the one that said there'd be no feeling. Just sex.

Sallie: I-I'm not gettin weird! I just, uh, want you to myself.

You raise an eyebrow.

Y/N: Oh? That sure doesn't sound like what someone who doesn't have feeling's would say.

Sallie: (blushing) Just shut up!

You lean in close to her. Just inches away from her face.

Y/N: Make. Me.

She bites her lip and for a moment, you'd swear she was about to kiss you. She then storms past you out of the building.

Sallie: You really piss me off city boy.

You laugh as you go back out to the ranch to finish the bit of work you have left to do today. The moment you finish you go into the house to take a shower. You forgot how wildly hot it gets in this ring of hell.

You strip down and get into the shower. The water feels great on you warm skin. The shower curtain opens suddenly and a naked Sallie Mae steps in. She's facing away from you.

Y/N: Uh, hi?

Sallie Mae just simply turns and gives you bedroom eyes. She leans forward and rests one arm on the wall. She puts her other hand on her ass spreads herself. Without any hesitation you start prodding yourself against her. She starts breathing heavily, and you pull away. She looks over her shoulder, confused as to why you pulled away.

You get down on your knee and start eating her out. She gasps sharply, followed by a jagged exhale. You make sure to pay close attention to her facial expressions to figure out what she does and doesn't like. You press your face firmly into her as you gently suck her clit. After a few moments she climaxes and lets out a series of soft moans.

Sallie: Please, keep going~

She's practically begging. But what if you didn't? As hard as it is to not just fuck her so hard she can't walk right, teasing her could be fun. You stand back up and start pushing into her. But then you pull out suddenly and get out of the shower. Sallie Mae looks over at you surprised.

Y/N: Maybe next time Sallie Mae. You'll have to get your jealousy fuck out another time.

Sallie: (bright red) I'm not jealous! 

You laugh as you walk over to her and lightly caress her cheek. She closes her eyes and leans into your hand.

Y/N: Cute. How about this then. No more sex until you can be even slightly honest with me.

You give her a wink as her eyes meet yours. 

Sallie: F-fine then! There aint nuthin to tell.

She looks away defiantly as you shrug. You dry yourself off and wrap a towel around your waist. Before you leave the bathroom you turn back to her.

Y/N: I wonder how long you'll be able to keep that tough girl act up. You know where to find me when you change your mind.

You walk back to your bedroom, slightly regretting your decision. But you have a feeling that this will lead to an interesting situation. You sigh as you relax on your bed. Hopefully it doesn't take her too long.

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