unexpected arrival

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My Name is Matthew and I am a hybrid not your normal hybrid I am a vampire/witch so I am the most powerful thing on this earth next to the originals now I am going to visit the original family I heard that Klaus had a child I know I shouldn't be dropping by with out letting then know but I have no choice I have to protect that child.as I was in the plane I thought about everything that happened over the centuries with me and Klaus he just left me without a word and expected me to forget about him but I didn't he left a big hole in my heart and I didn't know how to cope with it I just was heart broken.
"Matthew snap out of it"I thought to myself,I just sighed and fell asleep.
In the morning I got up and I got of the plane and saw the city of New Orleans,got in a cab and told the man he should take me to the mikaelson compound and he looked at me like I am a ghost and I moved my hand in front of him and said"hello" he smiled and asked if I wanted to go anywhere,I just snapped and said "maybe you should shut up and drive because I swear if you don't you will regret that you ever met me"he just shut up and drove me to the compound,after we got there I just compelled the man to not remember me and be happy as I saw the compound I just thought to myself"I wonder how are they going to react well I will see.As I got closer I heard shouting and thought"does nothing ever change to this family,I didn't want them to know that I was here so I had to stay in the shadows I heard Klaus say"well would you look at that my brother and sister trying to find my redemption but let me tell you you will never find it"Elijah replied with his low toned voice and said"well brother I see that you will not change when the child is born so I will leave you alone but mark my words brother I will find your redemption"he said and then Rebekah joined in the convisation and said "yeah Nik we will try to find your bloody redemption if we ever can"klaus just looks at them and says "well then you better be starting to search because- he just pauses and I knew that he could sense me he said"we have an intruder,show yourself!"he shouted.I came out of the dark and said"I didn't think that I will be welcomed that way"I said and they turned and looked at me and their mouths dropped to the floor"I expected a hug or something better than shocked faces"Rebekah came running to me and hugged me so tight that I think I had a bone crack,she looked at me and said that"well we didn't expect it to be you so we are pretty shocked"I just nodded in understandment and then Elijah gave me a hug but it was nothing like Rebekah's hug and then after he let go I looked at the direction of Klaus and said Niklaus he just said"Matthew"and vamp speeded away and I just stood there and shook my head.
Rebekah asked me"what had you been up to since the last centuries that we last so you"how dare she ask me that question when she and her whole family just betrayed me and left me to die"I thought to myself.I have to come down or I will blow this house away."well I have been traveling and watching how normal humans cope with their own lives"I answered as we were catching up this girl walked in with brown hair and her friend or bodyguard I don't care,they started talking to Elijah about something that I didn't care about and when she saw me she just stopped and asked who is this before I could answer Elijah said that"this is Matthew and his am old friend of bout family"he said"nice to meet you"she introduced herself as Hayley," are you the pregnant lady with Klaus's child?"I asked she said"yes"and I instantly saw that we were going to be best of friends and then she left and her bodyguard or friend gave me a look of disgust and I just ignored him.Rebekah showed me my room and it was beautiful I am telling you,I should visit more here.

Hey guys I am sorry if the are mistakes but English is not my first language and this is my first ever story I have written so please guys bare with me

Love you all and chapter two is coming soon

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