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"You seriously thought you could defeat me?" Klaus smirked at me, while holding me by the neck on the ground.

"I never thought that. I see that you have forgetting one thing about me." He looked at me with confusion, right before he was sent flying. I got up and smirked. "I'm also a witch." I went for the finish but felt a sharp pain in my head, dropping down on the floor, I screamed. These images came through my head. One was me covered with blood, everyone around me dead and the whole place was filled with blood. Another one was of Klaus holding a heart with my body on the ground, dead. The last one was me and Esther laying on the ground with blood covering us, both of us dead. Every single one I saw was me either dead or someone else dead.

The pain stopped, I looked up at everyone who looked at me with worry. I got up, as soon I was standing, I ran away to the woods. I couldn't tell where I was but I knew that I was too deep in the woods. It would have been a funny seen for someone to see a 900 year old vampire/witch hybrid lost in the woods and crying his eyes out. But I couldn't help it, I was either going to die or the people I love would die because of me.

Those images, non of them I knew what they meant but I knew one thing, its either the ones I love die or me die. I choose the later, its not like anyone would care, I have so much enemies and addition to that, my ancestors hate me. The only people that would care would be The Original family and those people who I have been friendly with, except if they were to betray me and kill me. I can't believe that I'm going to leave Klaus when we have just rekindled our relationship. This is something that I have to do by myself, even if they don't approve, I will continue on. I have lived for a long time, maybe its time for me to sleep a never waking sleep.

Once I was done with the thinking and crying, I got up and made my way to the house even thought I didn't know where I was going. But after an hour of trying to find my way back to the house I finally found it.

I got inside to find everyone sitting on the living room. When they heard the door, their heads snapped over to me. I didn't let them talk as I spoke first.

"I have to die"

Hello my friends, so this is another chapter which I hope you liked it. I think that this book is going to end after ten more chapter just tell me what you think and if you want the book to carry on more than ten chapters just say so and I will think about it.

Okay so today I looked at the read of this story and I saw that I have reached 1k reads, I think its 1.21k reads. I'm so thankful for that, you don't know how much it means to me, to some people it maybe a little but to me its a big thing, as I hope that you guys keep on reading because it means so much to me. With that said I have some announcement.

One: with all the things that have been happening in my life, I didn't have time to write but since some of the problems are cleared I have some time to write, so expect books to be updated and all. Expect The Heretics: A new begging to be updated at the second week of February so keep an eye out.

Two: remember my second book Lovers Of The Originals? I have decide to not continue with the story, as you can see I have not updated it in a long time, I have lost interest in that story and if you were liking that story I hope you understand. I'm not going to delete it but um stopping writing it as I don't find it interesting.

I love you guys and please vote and comment.

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