She's Back

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"I see that you have jumped into another body." I gave her my most disgusted look that I can pull off.

"And I see that you're still with my son, Niklaus." I don't see where this has to be in the conversation but she said it anyway.

"Your smartness is fading each time that you're resurrected." I smirk at her, and I can see the anger in her face. She slapped me and I tried using my magic but it was no use because nothing happened.

"Your magic doesn't work while you're chained up." Argh, I could hear her victorious voice and I just wanted to bite her head off. I looked over at Hayley and she was listening, I forgot that she was here and that she is pregnant. I had to get her out of here even if I have to be stuck on my own. Esther left the room and the second she was out I spoke to Hayley.

"After I get you out of here go tell Klaus, and the others that I'm trapped here."

"I'm not going to leave you here."

"Yes you are, and the other thing is that you are pregnant." I know that she didn't want to leave me but she had no choice but to nod.

I looked around and found a stake, I swung over to it, grabbed the stake with my foot and threw it at the ropes of Hayley and she broke free. I smiled at and then she ran out.

Time passed and Esther came back and saw that Hayley is not there.

"What have you done?" She was outraged and I just smirked.

"I let her free, like I said before your smartness goes every time you are resurrected and let's just say that your children are going to burst in here pretty soon." As I said the last word, the door bursts open and Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah are standing at the door. They don't even say a word and come rescuing me.

"He will be the death of you". I froze on the spot because I have heard those words before. I just shrug it off and let Klaus carry me because I was tired and needed to sleep.

The second we got home, he put me to bed and I was asleep before I even hit the pillow.

Sorry for being short but I updated anyway, and as you can see I have decided to keep on writing. And today is my BIRTHDAY!!!! Yes it is I'm turning 13 and I'm happy about it. Teenage years here I come. And my friends at school just literally dumped water on me, I was soaking wet when I got home. But anyways love all of you guys.

Hope you liked it

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