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"Marcel where is the girl!"I burst through Marcels door and saw him"umm what girl"surely he was confused"i mean the harvest girl,who I may recall you keep in a attic"he looked a little shocked"how do you know that"he got up"I know everything in this city,so shut up and take me to her"I told him"wow so much bitchy"he muttered"you forget that I'm also a vampire and I heard that"can I kill him like seriously, no? Oh well it would have been nice"you were meant to here it"he smirked and we went were the girl was

"Davina you have a visitor"he called out and than this beautiful girl came"who are you"she asked me"my name is Matthew and I heard you lived in this dump"looking around the room,its roomy but still a dump"yeah well the witches are trying to kill me so they can complete this harvest"seriously they are trying to kill a child,wow that's just wrong"yeah I heard about that and I'm going to keep you safe"I really felt sorry for this girl she is only 16"mum shouldn't you be trying to kill me too"she asked"I would have if I had been from this coven but I am not so you can relax around me,I'm like one of those good withces not the psycho ones"she smiled"thanks,for once I do have someone to talk to,that is not going to kill me"she said to me

I looked at the pictures"so you are Marcels secret weapon"I asked her"yeah anyone the witches doing magic,I sense it"she told me and shrugged"would you be able to sense it if I did magic"I was kind of curious"probably not,because you are not part of this coven"thank god!"thank god I wouldn't have to worry about Marcel,although I could have killed him easily"yeah I would have done that but than Klaus would have been upset with me"you kinda scare me"she seriously just say that and I know I'm hot scary but eh whatever"don't be,you would get used to it,I mean a lot of people did so you should too"I told her"yeah well its getting late so I should go to bed"I looked at my watch and so it was 10:36pm,wow time went by fast"OK bye Davina, nice talking to you hope we can do it again someday"I said and then left to go back home and get some sleep I'm really tired

The first thing I did when I got back at the house I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and than I fell a pair of hands around me"let me go Niklaus,I don't want to talk to you"I told him and shrugged his hands off of me"what did I do now love"he doesn't know does he"you don't know do you, well let me tell you,you said I wish I was hot and clearly I am"I waved my hands up and down my body"that's what you are mad about"he was smirking"yes and I hate that you have to smirk about it"I was trying so hard to not laugh"well let me apologies than"he said"well I'm waiting"I have the feeling that his is not going to apologies"no"I knew it"I hate you"he smirked again"no you do not"he simply said"and how do you know that"I was smirking now"well if I kissed you,you will completely melt on my lips"pssh please"I would not"I defended myself and then he kissed me passionately, it was slow and soft and I did exactly what I said I wouldn't do and then he broke it slowly"and I was right love"he smirked"fine you win but you will not the next time"I turned around and went upstairs and sat on my bed and just smiled"you sure do love my brother"someone said and I send them flying with my magic"man Nik was right you do love doing that"of course its Rebekah"yeah if you are in my room without my permission"I folded my arms"you are so bitchy right now"she said"yeah well I had that from Marcel"she just smiled,mhh something's going on"spill"I said"spill what, I have nothing to spill,okay Marcel asked me out" she screamed

He seriously did"oh my god ,I'm so happy for you"I hugged her"now can you please get out of my room"I asked and she just looked at me still smiling and I was too"I said please"I told her and she got up"fine,but I will not invite you to Marcels and I's wedding"she flipped her hair jokingly and left and I just laughed and I went to sleep

*****Next Morning*****

I woke up and went to the bathroom brushed my teeth,showered and dried my hair and got dressed and then went back to my room and saw Klaus sitting ony bed"hey"I walked over to him and kissed him"I see you had a good time meeting the harvest girl"he said"yeah she's very nice and I like her"I told him"so what do you want to do today?"he asked me"I don't know all I want to do is relax and watch some TV"I just wanted to sit around the house,since I've been here all that I did was do stuff or go somewhere,today its my day off"well then its all settled we are staying here"he got up and took my hand and we walked downstairs, where we met Rebekah,Elijah,and Hayley its good to have her here"don't worry if anything comes up you won't go,because you've done enough for us"he told"thank you"

And that's another chapter,so hope you liked it and please VOTE AND COMMENT
Love you guys see you on the next chapter

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