party gone bad

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I don't really like to go to parties but since my dearest friend asked me to I went.Going through that door to Marcels place I felt sick,how can people come to these type of things,I don't have problems with human parties but to have vampire people be that close to you,you could even smell their sweat. First I should go to the bar because I just want to get out of this place but I have to get drunk first.I ordered some shots and drank them all and suddenly out of nowhere came a voice"you shouldn't drink to much or you will drown"I turned and saw a smiling Klaus"well if it can get me out of this place then I'm good"I said as bored as I can,he just looked at me as if he had seen a ghost"well then care to join me on the dance floor"he said while extending a hand,I just looked at him and said"I don't dance"he still didn't give up so I just took the hand and went up to dance.It was a slow dance so we did some talking"you look good in that tuxedo"he said"and you are bad at compliments"I told him"if I'm bad at compliments why are you still dancing with me?because you could've walked away."he said while smirking,so you know how you have a crush on someone and you get butterflies,well that just happened to me.I do love Klaus but in this time I am here to protect the baby.As we were talking I saw this girl with red hair calling Klaus's name and Klaus had to go which is cool but know I feel kind of cold,well then back to the bar.I was still drinking Hayley came up to me and talked to me"why do you have manners"she asked"what do you mean"I asked a little bit confused"well you ask people rather than tell them to do things,you are different than Klaus and Elijah"she said"well my family taught me manners unlike having your parents chase you around so that they can kill you"I said while taking a shot"you know I really like you,you are head strong and confident of yourself"she said smiling"well thank you I really like you to"I said"um...can I ask you something"she said"uhh yeah sure"why do you love Klaus"she asked that question took me by surprise"why do you ask"I asked but when didn't answer me she kept looking at something,I turned and followed her gaze and saw what she was looking at I saw Klaus and the red haired girl kissing,I hissed and breathed in and out so that I could relax but I couldn't I so badly wanted to take that head of hers out of her body Klaus saw me and as he was about to say something but out of nowhere the lights went out,I heard screaming and the smell of blood was in the air and instantly Klaus and Elijah were beside me Elijah on the left and Klaus on the right"what is happening"asked Elijah"we about to find out"I said "igneum"I cast a spell and the lights were back on and I saw that the witches have cut some humans and made them come here so that the vampires could not resist the urge to feed and kill these people showing that vampires have no control,I had to admit the witches had a really good plan,I didn't realize that I was smiling until Elijah said"why are you smiling,this is not a laughing matter"sorry"I said and as the witches were preparing for an attack Elijah and Klaus jumped in front of me and tried to protect me,I just push them aside and said"I can protect myself"and then the witches started to attack I didn't move and lifted them up in the air and snapped one of the twos neck and the other three I made them choke on their blood,I turned
around and saw that Elijah and Klaus where suprised"I told you I didn't need protection and let's go"I said.
"Wow did this happen again" I said out loud

I'm sorry guys that this took a long time but I had school and exam but know I am on holiday so expect updates more often
Love you guys next chapter is coming soon

the start of a new beginning(the originals gay fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ