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Soft coughs pulled Drak out of his daze.

Still too weak to open his eyes,he began feeling his surroundings. His palms touched harsh planes and then soft bedding underneath him.

He heard a familiar voice sounding stern and barking instructions.

He opened his eyes and saw Khaos at the other end of the room bending over someone,a vision in white.

He closed his eyes again and they flew open almost immediately as he remembered Inka.

"Inka" he called,pulling himself to a sitting position.

Khaos turned to him,anger was visible on his face.

"What were you thinking?....You went to heaven?"

Drak wiped his face with his hand and avoided his gaze.

"Not only that but you also got yourself a prize, didn't you?" He pointed to Inka who looked half dead on the colt.

"Is she alright?" Drak asked and Khaos drew in a sharp breath.

"She's ok,I have no idea how to treat her. I've only treated demons,witches and the sorts. Our kind." He stopped to give her a look.

"I've never treated a princess of Heaven" His gaze came back to Drak whose eyes were filled with tears.

Prior to his going up to heaven,he had lurked around in Oblivion and curiously got to the boundaries just to catch a glimpse of what was up there when a nephillim appeared with lowers; ordinary nephillims behind him, holding ropes.

He had tried to leave but the goddamn ropes were bastards. He stripped him of his abilities and he was dragged to heaven.

The Eye knew he was the father of Inka's child. He knew he'd come to Oblivion.

Drak was so confused on how he could have fathered a child with a nephillim. He was sterile,he was supposed to be.

He voiced his question to Khaos who smiled and took a seat beside him.

"Listen Drak,Cambions have a common origin but different channels through which we came to be. Some are witches,some wizards and some warlocks.

With the help of spells and potions,some of witches are able to have offsprings with humans who have some spirituality in them."

Drak was confused. His mother was a witch,did that mean?

"You're half human and half demon Drak. We all are. Without our ancestors joining their souls with that of humans,we never would exist"

Your human part is the soul,of course you can father a child with any other creature,demons or not"

Drak grabbed his head in his palms and regretted dragging Inka into this.

If only he'd known.

Inka's sleeping face haunted his conscience. She wasn't supposed to ever experience this. She was so innocent,he'd influenced her, convinced her.

Her father was right in what he'd done.

The problem now was how to make sure Inka had the baby successfully and healthily.

Living in these parts wasn't going to be easy for her but he'd do everything,give everything to see her happy again.

Short chapter 🤗

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