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Drak heard footsteps behind him and he turned around in time to see Inka,easing herself down from a jutted rock few feets away from him.

"Be careful" he called out and she smiled at him.

He shifted a little so she could sit beside him.

Her stomach had gotten considerably bigger with the past few weeks.

"Are you ok?" He asked and she nodded like a child.

It was always her innocence that made him love her obsessively.

"I'm worried about you" He confessed and she leaned on him,rubbing her stomach gently.

"I'll be fine"

"I know but it's hard for me to see you get used to the hardship here. I wish I could do something to make this easier for you."

Inka cupped the side of his face and smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm ok Drak. You've done more than enough in the last few weeks and I feel blessed to be with you"

Drak gave a tiny smile before abruptly asking.

"Will your father forgive you?"

There was a short silence before Inka sighed and adjusted her sitting position.

"He's always forgiving"

"But if he truly sees all,why couldn't he tell that you were pregnant or that it's a Cambions baby"

"You really think he didn't know?Of all the twenty four kings of heaven,my father is the most compassionate. He gave me the benefit of a doubt just like he does to humans. He won't condemn you until you choose to be"

"Like you did" Drak muttered and Inka snatched her hand from his.

"What'd you mean I chose to be condemned?"

"I'm just saying Inka. It's hard enough watching you be this way. It's pathetic"

"I'm pathetic for choosing you and our child?" Inka's voice got louder and tears gathered in her eyes.

"I didn't say that my love" Drak made to touch her but she whirled away,tears spilling down her face.

"Inka!" Drak called out at her figure, walking away from him.

He went after her and watched her bump into Khaos whose face registered worry the minute he saw her tears.

He watched as Khaos bent to her height to talk to her then he stood upright and sent a death stare his way.

Drak walked towards them and grabbed Inka's arm gently.

"Can we please talk?"

Khaos pulled Inka behind him and snorted

"She needs to rest"

He led her away and Drak watched them disappear into the labyrinth of rooms before letting out a deep sigh.

He knew exactly what he was scared of.

Inka might be too weak to birth their child and he considered going up to heaven again to plead with her father.

Maybe he'd be gracious enough to let her have the child in heaven.

They'd both be safe that way.

He'd tried to explain to Inka but he hadn't managed to word his concerns the right way.

He was about to walk away to his spot again when he heard Khaos bellow his name.

He sounded pissed!

He turned to look at him,barely missing the punch he threw at his shoulder.

Drak howled in pain and Khaos' face registered satisfaction.

"I promised her I'd do that" he chuckled and Drak sucked his teeth.

"She didn't listen to me" he said and Khaos shook his head.

"Of course she would have,if you'd spoken to her like a husband rather than a scared teenage brat!"

"I'm just worried Khaos,I can't take care of her"

"We'll try. She's part darkness now, we'll make that work."

"And a safe delivery?"

"...and a safe delivery" Khaos promised and pulled Drak in the crook of his arm, leading him back home.

"Now,let's go apologize"

NEPHALEM : DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN AND HELLWhere stories live. Discover now