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Ace Chordettes was dead and it was reported around the world as he was the last living legacy of the family of Magus.

Ruby and Deku was saddened by the news as they lost a friend and no Nicio to comfort them they fell into depression. Their motivation was weakening as a storm was approaching.

Nicio was saddened by this she liked the guy but she didn't have a courage to confessed to him. Now she's just burying her pain within as a vigilante around the streets.

Where she befriended Batman, the cape crusader of Gotham. The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and the Man without Fear Daredevil as now she works as a local deli.

Everything wasn't the same anymore for Nicio as she goes to see a therapist in the name of Doctor Theo.

Nicio: "I have a dream, where me and Ace have a kid it's too bad it'll never become a reality as he was now dead" she said

Doctor Theo: "Dreams doesn't die, Nicio not if you believe in them"

Nicio: "Could we stopped fooling ourselves this is the real life bat-shit insane things happen to us"

Doctor Theo: "Guessed Life throws too much lemons at you as it make the pain worse"

Meanwhile at Union everybody was dancing this is supposed to be a school dance but it wasn't it was the celebration of Ace's death but just like Jesus after his death give him 3 days and he'll return.

Deku: "I can't believe they're partying now, we were supposed to mourn!"

Ruby was just silent until she was approached by her sister Yang.

Yang: "Hey Ruby, it's a pretty good night why don't you enjoy yourself huh?"

Ruby: "No thanks, I'm not feeling well right now" she said with sadness.

She then leaves as Yang asked "What happened to her?"

Deku: "I don't know" he said

Ochako: "Eyy Deku, you want to dance with me?"

Deku: "O-ochako chan?! I'm sorry but I have to chase after Ruby"
He said as he leaves

At the corridor Ruby was crying as Deku shouted her name making her stop.

Deku: "Ruby!" He said

Ruby: "Deku?"

Deku: "Why did you left your sister was worried about you"

Ruby: "She can enjoy herself"

Deku: "What's the matter?"

Ruby: "It's so strange after President Nisshin left, many things happened Club members started leaving as Nisshin has failed them! Bullying against weak started getting normalized thanks to Homelander, and Ace's Death!" She said "We should be mourning but instead we're partying like something good happen"

Deku: "it's just a coincidence that Ace's death was at the same time as our ball"

Ruby: "Coincidence?! Ace is dead and it's coincidence?!"

And then a cloaked man holding a katana approaches them.

???: "Where is the elevator?"

Deku: "End of the corridor"

???: "What a foolish gathering"

Ruby: "What did you say?"

???: "Foolishness"

Deku: "Ruby, you're the one who have super speed call the teachers" he said as he charged his One for All. "Go!"

???: "Interesting" he said as he showed his katana.

Deku: "Whoever are you, you're in Union Academy home of heroes"

???: "Heroes" he said as he laughed "Let me tell you a story boy, a story of a man called Theseus, his country, well a city state technically, was in danger, and he sent himself forward into enemy lines, he slayed the minotaur and saved his city. You know what they did to him boy? They exiled him, he died in disgrace, despised by his people, that's what happens to Heroes"

Deku: "But he saved everyone" he said

???: "If you want to be a hero" he said "That's alright, You Shall Die!"

The cloaked man was out of sight as he just appeared behind Deku  and enclosed his Katana.

???: "It's a foolish move to face the power of the son of Sparda" he said

Deku: "Who are you?"

???: "Impressive, I take your gratitude boy for surviving my Judgement Cut" he said "I am Vergil, Son of the Demon Knight Sparda"

Then someone shouted his name "Vergil!"

Vergil: "Sirzechs" he said

Sirzechs: "Why are you here? Isn't about your rivalry with your younger brother?"

Vergil: "I heard gossips around Union that there's an incredible power source that can make dreams come true" he said "If I find it, I'll make my dream of finally defeating my younger brother a reality"

Sirzechs: "We had no power source like that here"

Vergil: "Quit lying to yourself, Sirzechs" he said "I felt your lack of motivation"

Sirzechs: "Stay the hell out of here, Vergil" he said

Vergil: "Make me, Gremory" He said

Sirzechs charged the Power of Destruction as Vergil entered in Sin Devil Trigger form.

Vergil: "Show me your motivation!" He said

Sirzechs blasted him with The Power of Destruction but Vergil just used the Yamato to absorb it.

Vergil: "Interesting"

Due to the impact of their fight Sirzechs accidentally revealed the secret basement inside Union to Vergil.

Vergil: "Interesting relics" he said

Sirzechs being still weak due to Vergil draining all his powers using the Yamato and rest on the side of Izuku.

Vergil just walked past them as he searches around the room as he sees The Fall Maiden but he just disregard it as he saw his price...a pocket sand, a helm and a Ruby.

Vergil: "Strange yet bizarre relics" he said "I'll take it"

He opened a portal Until someone throws a fireball at him making the Helm and Pocket Sand fall into an unknown place as the one who tried to lay a hand on him was revealed to be Cinder Fall ascended as a Maiden.

Cinder: "Give me relics"

Vergil: "If you want it, then you'll have to take it" he said "But you already knew that"

Cinder: "I'll make you submit, low class demon" she mocks

Vergil just annoyed by it decided to end the battle quickly using the Judgement Cut as he ended Cinder's life trial.

Being the person Cinder thinks at the moment the power of the Maiden went towards the son of Sparda.

Vergil: "Is this power of the maidens?" He said as he closed his fist "How pitiful as it fell in the hands of a son of Sparda"

Sirzechs rushed at Vergil as he blocked the "High Class Demon" with the Yamato..

Vergil: "Heal your wounds, Sirzechs than we'll settle the matter" he said as he just slapped him away.

Vergil just stepped on his portal as he looks again at them "Thank you"

Sirzechs: "Vergil!" He shouted

After Vergil's attack at Union, Dream's relics was gone as the only one they knew was stolen was the ruby. The Dreamers are still suffering their Lord should make his move. But what If their lord was in the brink of demise?

A/n: "I just did this chapter for Dream's tools to be missing in order for him to seek it"

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