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No one's POV

In Will Ekta's office where Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark and John Dee was present..

Will: "Mind telling me about this Dream of the Endless, Doctor Destiny?" He said

Doctor Destiny: "He's known by many names, Morpheus, The Sandman, Oneiros but I have an encounter on him back then" he said "Before I redeem myself as I tried to overtake him but failed, that's why I got this Ruby as both curse and bless"

Batman: "The same ruby you use to enter people's dream and kill them?"

Doctor Destiny: "That's in the past, Batman" he said "I've learned my lesson on him"

Iron-Man: "Dream? Huh?" He said "Strange was fighting someone called Nightmare but he's dead" "Is he have connections to this Dream?"

Doctor Destiny: "I don't know"

Will: "Considering that we got this strange helm" he said as he showed Dream's helmet

Doctor Destiny: "That's not some helmet, Mister Ekta" he said "That's one of his sigils, quick we must give it back to him before he destroy us"

Will: "We'll give this on peace and besides we don't want any cheat code like Anti-Life Equation to defeat Union" he said "What we need is to be better than them"

Iron-Man: "I agreed, I used to sell weapons but now I'm fixing my own mistakes costing me of my own heart" he said

Will: "You always have a heart, Mister Stark" he said "Doctor Destiny, how should we prepare for Dream?"

Doctor Destiny: "He always comes out during night as people sleeps make his travel more efficient" he said

Will: "We shall not lower our defenses on possible Union Academy Attack but we must also stay vigilant" he said

It's dusk and students and teachers was preparing to go for thier sleeping rooms or dorms as Will did an announcement...

Will: "Good Evening, Unity this is yours truly headmaster Will Ekta since tomorrow will be weekend I hope that all of you will have a good night sleep" he said "You all deserve it!"

And the call of the night comes every students who enrolled in Unity and those who defected from Union was sleeping peacefully as someone was walking in the corridor...

Will decided to sleep in his office but the figure in the corridor disappeared...

The individual travels in many dreams of people around Unity as he encountered Doctor Destiny...

Zane: "Hello, John Dee" he said

Doctor Destiny: "Dream? You look different" he said

Zane: "I got reincarnated as a teenage boy"

Doctor Destiny: "What should I address you then?"

Zane: "I am Lucidus Zane but please call me on my proper name as the new Sandman" he said

Doctor Destiny: "I've informed our headmaster about your arrival and he is in the possession of your helm" he said

Zane: "Will Ekta sound like a reasonable man, my job won't be that hard considering that he too dreamed of better heroes for the betterment of the universe" he said "I shall be on my way, John Dee"

As when Zane arrived at Will Ekta's dream he quickly awakened as Zane was Infront of him..

Zane: "Hello, Will Ekta" he said

Will: "I'm expecting, Dream as two things first was a cladding green hoodie on a mask with smile and two a rockstar from the 80s" he said "Why are you a teenage boy?"

Union's SandmanWhere stories live. Discover now