Chapter 14

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Hyung! What's this?


Look at me hyung! You never told any of us that you are going for a solo debu I am sorry!

Iam sorry Yedamah but-

but what hyung?! didn't you think of us how we are going to feel when you suddenly part with us without any warning?! how-

I didn't have any choice!! I-

As you pulled his legs close to his chest, hugging while he cried fiercely. Yedam sighed feeling bad of the older or shout at him. He put the papers on the table walking close to the crying one, slowly stroking his back.

I am sorry hyung, I shouldn't have shouted at you..

I am- forgive me I didn't mean to do it, it's-I did so that I can get rid of Jihoon.

But I thought you loved him?

I do!! I really do!! I love him! More than my Life, but not before I agree to this solo agreement, before I fell for him, before I realised how much I love him! I was determined to get away from him because he made me feel weird things towards him and I hate it I didn't even thought of you all once, I am sorry I am a terrible person!! I am-

It's alright hyung! Don't cry! I forgive you and everyone else will too!! I know it was hard for you, you were confused, don't blame yourself, it's okay...
Yedam assured the crying older who now called a little as he looks at the younger smile at him dearly.

So you want to debut solo?

No..never, I am never leaving Treasure and Jihoon!!

Good let's tell them about your decision, you sure you don't solo?...

I am!! That was a mistake I did because of anger. I am willing to cancel the agreement, I am new here with all of you. I don't want it!


With this both if them left Hyunsuk's bedroom. The things Hyunsuk did wrong was finally going to take his turn be on his side. He was happy, glad tha he could stay with Jihoon, and his family whom he loved dearly, Treasure.

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