Chapter 3

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Light followed L as they exited the room, the chain dangling between them as L led down the hallway to the elevator. It was uncomfortable to Light to have to watch himself walk down the hallway.

Only, it wasn't him at all.

Light shivered, disturbed by all that had happened. L looked at him out of the corner of his eye as he pressed the button to get an elevator to appear.

"Something is wrong Light-Kun, you seem... anxious... upset." L stared at him.

Light glared at the famous detective. Did he not realize how wrong this whole situation was???? This was the upmost strangest thing to ever happen to Light.

"Ahhh, yes Ryuzaki. I'm totally fine. Almost everyday people happen to wake up not themselves.." Light stated sarcastically, crossing his arms. L blinked. " Light-Kun, I believe you are incorrect. This happens to be a rare occurrence. "

Light face-palmed as the light blinked and the door opened with a ding. L straightened up and walked into the elevator, Light not far behind.

Light crossed his arms and sighed as the door closed and they began their long descent. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, L was really close to his face.

Light jumped back and scowled as his head smacked the back of the elevator.

"What the hell were you doing Ryuzaki?" Light asked rubbing his head.

L blinked. "Just studying you Light-Kun. You need to work on behaving and looking more like I do. I know I will be able to fit your role easily. You just need to try a bit harder."

Light felt anger sweep over him. L was so arrogant! And how could he get that close to his face that easily??!! Light felt a faint blush form on his features but quickly hid it from L by turning around and slouching.

"Is this better, Ryuzaki?" Light asked.
"Yes, thank you very much Light-Kun."

Light rolled his eyes as the elevator opened. He could not wait to kill this freak.

The two men exited the elevator and padded over to the one flight of shirt stairs they had to descend when something strange happened to Light and he paused.

Memories. Things that he didn't know if began to flood his mind. He gasped as he understood. These memories were L's.

L turned around and stared at him. He smiled. It must be happening to you now Light-Kun." Light nodded. He saw how L became an orphan. What happened to his parents. His stay at Wammy's House. His acceptance of having to be alone to fulfill his role as L.

Light looked at L. He could not believe his enemy had went through all of those things. He had a better understanding of the other genius and his sworn enemy.

Light shook his head. He couldn't be having second thoughts about murdering him. He has to to reign as God of his perfect New World. L could NOT be part of it. He reminded himself that he HATED L. However, Light could not understand why he was having those weird feelings like the blushing in the elevator and the time when L fell on top of him.

Light shook his head and began to go down the flight of stairs. L followed him.
"Ready to be me, Light-Kun?"

Light nodded slouching his shoulders. "More than ready Ryuzaki."

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