Chapter 6

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For the first time in Light's life, he wished he could just shrink, or jump in a hole. He felt his heart speed up and jump into his throat at what the witty detective said.
"You are Kira." L repeated.
Light scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously, trying to play it cool.
"Ryuzaki, I think you're wrong about that. Kira is still killing. If I'm always with you, and Kira is still killing, then how could I possibly be him?"

L chewed his thumb. 
"It's quite simple, Light-Kun. You're Kira. That was proven to me when we had the switch of bodies. As you may recall, we could dig deep into each others thoughts. I saw your memories of being Kira, all of it. And to explain the killings from a logical point of view for the case, Misa Amane has been doing it for you."

Light's eyes widened. He really didn't want to believe it. That this was probably it. Defeat had come. The New Perfect world where he would reign as God was gone. Honestly, Light felt stupid. He should have known this was coming the first time he started discovering L's memories.  He knew this was inevitable.

"I am correct I presume?" Ryuzaki stared down Light.

Light weighed his options. He could admit to being Kira, lose the game to L, and be served with the death penalty. The second option was finding some kind of quick way to kill L. However, if he did that, the police would obviously know it was he who did it.

Thirdly, Light could be silent, or try to talk his way out of it.  He felt his pride deteriorating by the minute. The statement "Pride Can Kill You" sure was true during this time.

Light felt anger welling up Inside him. These strange feelings he'd been having we're coming back again! His brain kept telling him he didn't want to kill L! That was a bunch of baloney. He knew he did, but deep down he didn't. Deep down some weird feelings were still being stirred up. He felt that in a strange, disturbing way...... He actually cared about L.

Cared about the man he always swore he hated most. His biggest enemy. Kira's greatest enemy.

Light lifted his head, meeting L's gaze. His hands started shaking.

"Yes...... L..... I. Am. Kira.!!"

Light started laughing. He felt his insides go numb. It was over. He had lost. He felt like he may cry. Cry like a child.

He gave L the most cold hate filled look he could muster at this breaking moment.

"And what are you going to do about it?! You have no evidence."

L shrugged.

"My word is enough Light-Kun. Everyone trusts me with any case. If I say someone is guilty, they're always guilty."

Light laughed again.

"So this is really the end of our little game, huh, L? It surprises me that I'm on the losing side. I bet you're happy to finally get to throw me in jail. To kill me."

Light's voice cracked on the last Sentence. Light then noticed something off that L was doing.

L was trying his best to cover his face with his raven hair. He hung his head low, another thing Light had never seen him do. His black locks draped almost down to his chin.

"What's wrong Ryuzaki? The happiness you must feel must be too much to bear! I bet you're letting your damn emotions show now!"

L slowly lifted his gaze to Light's. Light was stunned at the expression on his face. It was..... Sadness. A look that Light did not expect at all. That shocked him.

Then that feeling hit Light again. He never wanted to see L sad like that. He didn't even want to see him emotionless. He wanted to see his smile. He didn't want L to just throw him away to prison or death. He wanted to stay like this.

"Light-Kun. Don't taunt me right now. I do want this case solved. However, as the circumstances stand, it would be rather odd for me to convict you and end the case now without solid evidence."

Light's mouth gaped open. He must be in a parallel universe. No way in heck did L just let him off like that!

"W-what are you saying L? I thought you wanted justice served on me?"

L looked away. He then stood up and walked up to Light. Light felt his heart beat increase speed and his cheeks get red. L took one of his slender hands, and cupped Light's face. The two geniuses just stared at each other. As if studying one another.

"I also don't want to throw my only friend away." L blinked and turned away from Light.

Light was shocked. He couldn't believe L just had shown that much emotion.

"Friend.... L, friends don't do things like that!"

L turned around with a puzzled look on his face.
"Things like what?"

Light swallowed.
"Friends don't cup each others faces, they don't stare at each other, they don't get really close to one another's faces! Friends don't do that!"

L only blinked and put his thumb in his mouth. He looked like he was thinking.

"Light-Kun.... If friends don't interact with one another like that, what or who does?"

Light's eyes widened. How would explain to L that was something lovers did?! His face darkened.

Feeling flustered, Light spoke.

"You do things of that nature someone you like as more than a friend."

" What is there more than friendship?"

Light just stood there. To keep from revealing his weird feelings, he had to tread lightly and chose his words carefully.

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