Chapter 2

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So this is where my title actually begins to make sense!!! Thank you for showing support through all of my failed attempts to post weekly updates!It warmed my heart to know that so many of you loved chapter 1!!!!!!! I hope this chapter will be to your upmost liking! Please enjoy.

Light awoke with a sigh. He tossed the covers off him, sat up and stretched out his arms. That's when he realized something. He grabbed his wrists. The cuffs were gone from his hands. That's odd..... He thought.

Light walked over to the dresser and pulled out some clothes he could wear that day. "Hmmmm," he mumbled scooping the room. "I wonder where L is I can't believe he trusted me not being by his side." Light chuckled at the thought of his enemy, and then found himself blushing a bit.

He pulled up his pants and buttoned them. " maybe he isn't around because of the awkwardness of last night..." Light shook his head vigorously. NO he told himself. Why should I care??? I am supposed to HATE him!! Most importantly,why am I blushing???? I'm NOT gay! Especially NOT for L...... However he found a pinch of doubt probing his mind that he quickly pushed away in his discomfort. This topic was really disturbing him.

Light buttoned his shirt and sighed. He clasped his hands together. Guess I'm ready for another boring day Kira chasing.... Like THAT'S going to help the investigation! Light chuckled as he started walking toward the bathroom. I AM Kira for crying out loud! Light pulled the door handle and went inside. He flipped the light switch when he got in front of the mirror and nearly did a double take.

Light was in front of the mirror, only it wasn't him!!!! Light started sweating as he leaned in, staring at the glass. He ran a hand through his black... Hair. "WH-WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???!!!" He yelled to no one in particular. He looked around the bathroom and that is when he found himself.
Only, it wasn't him, it was someone else in his Body.

The person sighed and walked toward him. Light was shaking violently as the figure with poor posture stopped in front of him and calmly stared at him. The man sighed. "Light-kun, according to my calculations,sometime last night when I fell asleep (for some odd reason once again) our bodies switched. So it is now like I am you and you are me."

Light groaned. Of. Course it was L. The world famous detective who could be calm during any situation, even one like this that seemed impossible. However Light knew even L could not figure out how or why this happened. He choose not to ask.

Then Light gasped as L patted his shoulder."Calm down Light-Kun. You'll be shocked to know that if you think about it, you may be able to hear some of my memories as well." Light began to sweat even more now. He was happy he may could figure things out about why L acted the way he did, but he had a feeling L knew his secret now.
L knew he was Kira.
So why wasn't he saying anything about it?

L smiled his cheeky smile and slouched over, which Light had to say looked weird on his body. "Well Light-kun, we needn't speak of this to any of the others. We will just have to pretend to be each other for however long this may last. It may even be quite amusing. Like another game. And to begin the game, you will need to wear my clothes and I put on some of yours." L turned the door knob and looked back at Light. " I assume we will both know each other's deepest secrets Light-Kun?"

Light swallowed then smiled, hiding his  worry. " I'll suppose so Ryuzaki." L smiled and chewed a thumbnail before entering the bed room. Light followed him, and he was standing there waiting, the handcuffs dangling from his hands. "We shall put these back on after we get dressed Light-kun." Light sighed and nodded. They may have traded bodies, but L had the same personality.

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